A Day With Only Him Part 1

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I couldn't leave Aloha alone when he's drunk, so I just stayed with him in his house. "Wowwiee, this *hic* is a very nice place *hic*~" Aloha winks. "Aloha, this is your house," I correct him and set him down from carrying him home. "Oh yeah, it is," Aloha a little bit starts coming back to his senses. He then whips around to face me, almost collapsing. I escort the drunken Aloha to his somewhat neat room and helped him onto the bed. He grabs the end of my coat before I could leave his room. "P-Please don't... go..." Aloha sputters quietly, his grip grew tighter. "Mm? What's wrong Aloha?" I sat down on his bed. "Just... d-don't leave me... I h-hate being alone..." Aloha shyly explains, for which I know that wasn't the whiskey talking.  "...lay with me..." He pats on the bed to motion me over, I obey and lay on the right side of him. He turns to me and stares with a malicious smirk. And before I knew it, he crashes and starts lightly snoring. I turn off his light and laid next to him the whole night, and actually getting rest.


"It's a real blizzard outside, please, just stay here... with me."

My eyes slowly open from my awfully weird dream, and not remembering a thing from yesterday. All that I could remember is letting everyone down by passing out on Port Mackerel, cod I bet everyone despises me now. My eyes shifted to the right, and startling me was Army sleeping soundly beside me. His beret was still sloppily worn and he was barely in the covers, but as long as he gets rest. I beam, it was a pretty good surprise to see him. But of course I let him down yesterday, what does he think of me? I roll out of bed and went to see if there was any food for the two of us and of course I have nothing, looks like I'm going grocery shopping. My shoes were stacked by the door with Army's punk cherries next to them and I slip into my own. I start heading outside and walked to the nearest store. It was a bit chilly, but at least I won't be out for a while. Nearest place was Mako Mart which in fact was new and quite popular these days. The sliding doors squeaked as they opened for me and I scurried along to find some food. Jellies work here, and is hard to understand their bubble noises whenever they speak.

Mako Mart seemed too quiet even though there was many inklings and octolings scattered around. I start wandering to the foods isle thinking of what I should eat other than bland cup of noodles. But then I realized how broke I was. I never came with the coins I thought I had, which just made my day feel worse. I sigh, already heading out the door until someone calls my name. I turn around, only to see Octoglasses with a bright smile waving at me. "What are you doing here just all alone?" She gives me a quick hug. "Just about to grocery shop, to only find out I'm broke as shit," I laugh off my worries, concerning Octoglasses by accident. "Oh no, that must really suck," her tone of voice drops to a soft frowning one. "Yeah, just about to leave an-" "TAKE MY GROCERIES ALOHA!" Octoglasses then shoves her bags full of food towards me with a few coins. "You need all of this more than I do," she beams. "This is all too nice, but you don't have to give me this," I try to hand them back but she pushes the groceries back at me. "I can't do that to you, so take it Aloha!" She growls suddenly. She never takes no for an answer.

"Ok ok, I'll take it..." I nod, she smiles again. "Don't eat all of them in a day~" She waves as I exit out of Mako Mart. I feel like I don't deserve  as good as friends like Octoglasses, her sweet, annoyed personality, Straw hat's sweet side, and Diver... being Diver. And with everyone else like S4, blue team, Safari's team, they're all too nice. I felt as the cold wind pushing against my soft body. The feeling shivers me as I walked alone in a cloudy day. I was about to cross the street, until I heard grunts from the left side of me. Curiously I wandered to the direction, now it sounded like someone was being beaten up. I laid my groceries down on the concrete and turned into the corner. Octolings were beating a pink inkling, someone so familiar. His gawks sounded just like Diver, so it must be him. Seeing him broke me, I walked up to one of the octolings and punched straight to their nose. He falls forwards to Diver, who I can see clearly now. I start pulling all octolings away from Diver for his safety, and I see Diver's hurt eyes glance at me. "Diver... you good?" I ask, trying to make sure they couldn't hurt him anymore. "Yeah..." Diver whimpers.

For a while, I held them down until someone whammed against me, pinning me down. He then just goes at my face, scratching, punching, until I couldn't breathe. I grab his hands and try pulling him off, my eyes watery and blurry. I throw him off, staggering to get up. Others then grabbed a stick and just whacked me down, tearing and bruising my tan skin. I held my ears and curled into a ball. I rather this happen to me than others, I can't bare to see others hurt. They randomly stop, laying down the sticks. "You're no fun, so we're gonna leave... bye," the Octolings went on with their lives. I could barely raise my head up, all octolings and even Diver were gone.

I try getting myself up, barely even standing to find out my left ankle was badly sprained. So I had to rely on my other to get home, only hopping on it. I remembered the groceries, at least they didn't take my food. My house wasn't far, all the way I walked home, and not a single person tried to help me. The challenging part was getting up the stairs, it took me a couple times, scraping my knees even more. I unlock the door and let myself in. Inside is how I left it, except Army was in the kitchen, waiting for instant noodles to be cooked. I shut the door, locking it and Army notices. His expression really tore me. "Oh my cod Aloha! What the hell happened?!" He rushed over to me and grabbed my stinging wrists. "I... got groceries...." even my voice was going away, Army's eyes almost watered. "Who. Fucking. Did. This. To. You?!" Army growls. "Just... a random p-pair of... octolings... I don't know them.... I just wanted to get... Diver o-out of there..." Speaking started hurting too. Army doesn't reply, instead sweeps me off my feet, carrying me to my own bathroom. He sits me on my counter and grabbed medication to cure my wounds. He puts ice on all bruises, bandaging my ankle, etc. He picks me up again taking me to my room.

"You rest, you already had an eventful day..."

Don't Touch Him, He's Mine! || Army x Aloha x DiverWhere stories live. Discover now