Learning to Surf

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I left Aloha just for a minute so I could change to something suitable to surf in. Maybe surfing will get my mind off things.

I open a hut, it was very much... occupied. I turn a way quickly and shut... poor Aloha.

I went inside another changing hut that was empty and quickly changed, couldn't get that image about of my head of Diver... with that other girl... doing that. What would Aloha do if he found out about Diver cheating on him?!

I briefly left and walked back to where Aloha was located, seeing him apply some sort of wax on the boards.

"You ok Army? Looks like you seen a ghost," Aloha looks over to me, standing up.

"I'm fine..! You know I'm pale..." I nervously chuckle.

"Pff alright, whatever you say~" Aloha winks, making my cheeks feel hot.

"Ready to learn~?" He grabs his board, then turning his head towards me.

"I guess I'll try..." I shrug, picking up "my" surf board.

"Alright, let's hit the waves~!" Aloha runs with the board held in front of him and leaps onto it in a graceful manner. I just walked into the chilling sea then climbed on the safer way.

"Look at you, actually deciding to try surfing~" Aloha smiles wide, I know this really made his day.

"Y-Yay... look at me... doing new things," I chuckle, the water felt really nice on my legs.

"Alrighty Army. You have no experience with surfing what so ever, but that will change! Let's find you a wave," Aloha looks out at the sea excitedly. He points at a wave that seemed huge. "How about that?"

"O-Oh holy shit...." I mumble. "Y-Yeah um ok..."

"Rock on man! All you have to do is swim towards that small wave, time it right. And cruise on that board!" Aloha cheers, I'm literally going to die from this. Aloha is going to be the reason I die, for sure.

"Right um... ok," I lay on my stomach and start paddling to the wave. And Aloha calls this one small?! I've seen Aloha surf before, usually he turns around when he gets to the wave, then plants his feet into his board, balancing.

I tried exactly that, except I failed and lost balance.

Aloha swims over to me laughing. "Aye that's not bad for your first time!"

"Thanks, it was... interesting?" I smiled, out of spite of how I fell off the surf board.

"All you gotta do is just know your balance," Aloha pushes the surf board to me and I climb on.

That's what we did, work on my balance that never came. I sigh in disappointment, I didn't want to disappoint Aloha but it seems I did, and he won't show it. He just smiled.

"How about you surf on my board? with me?" Aloha suddenly suggests.

"Surf on the same board?! H-How would that work?" I wondered.

"You sit on the board with me~" Aloha explains, with a wink following after.

"Um ok," I nod, we both walked into the beach and returned one of the boards to Aloha's jelly friend. I noticed Diver and the inkling girl walked out of the stall and are wandering the beach. My stomach turned like something is going to happen, and it wasn't going to be pretty.

Me and Aloha managed to go past them without any of them to say anything to us. Aloha walks out to sea with the board as I followed him.

He pats on the front of the board. "Hop on!"

I hesitantly sat at the front like he wanted me too. After I sat on Aloha did too behind me.

"Alrighty lets go!" Aloha used his arms to pull us through the water. "You see any waves we should do?"

"I'm not the wave expert like you, so probably no," I giggle, even though I did try looking out for him.

"Ooo lets go to that one!" Aloha excitedly points at a wave that was larger than Diver's ego. He hurried and paddled to it with amazing speed, my heart raced.

Me and Aloha approach the wave, he stands up as we were actually surfing! The breeze felt so nice just like Aloha explained, you could feel the mist the wave gave off to cool you down.

I built up the courage, and I stood up too. Aloha was very surprised but he cheered. I got too cocky, staring to fall over.

"Not on my watch!" Aloha grabs me by my waist, basically hugging me. My cheeks grew hot, making the ocean mist feel cooler. We look like the scene from titanic.

"Th-This is fun!" I laughed, Aloha giggles behind me.

"I'm so glad you think so!" Aloha was in a very good mood, and so was I.

Aloha slowly let's go of me and we were both balanced on the board. We were, until Aloha was going to say something, his voice so raspy.

"I-Is that—"

The wave suddenly crashed over us violently, we were pushed under the sea water. The water pushed me onto Aloha, scraping him across the coral reef.

We rose up to the surface when we could, Aloha coughed up water. My arms were badly scarred to the point they were bleeding badly. Aloha turned to me and smiled.

"You survived your first huge wave!" Aloha giggles. "And to prove it you got new scars!"

"A-And that's good because?"

"Because it makes you look really tough, nobody will want to mess with you now~" Aloha smirks.

"Anyway, we should go fix that, I'll push you on the board," Aloha insisted, I climb on obediently, noticing Aloha's scarred up back.

"A-Aloha! Your back is bleeding too!" I panicked.

"We can fix them later, let's go..." Aloha sighs, and starts pushing the board to shore.

• • •

We got back to shore, my arm and Aloha's whole back would not stop bleeding. Aloha started looking paler too.

Aloha took my hand gently and lead me to a secret part of the beach. He sits me down and grabs a piece of a plant.

"Aloe Vera helps with cuts, show me where all of your cuts are." Aloha sat in front of me with the gooey plant in his tan fingers. I show him, and he applied softly, I never knew he knew any healing stuff at all.

"W-What about your back? It's worse than mine," I asked him.

"If you're so concerned, you can put aloe on my back then." Aloha hands me the aloe vera stick.

"I am concerned, so lay on your stomach," I ordered, he raised his eyebrows at me, then he laid on his stomach.

"W-Wow... this is really bad," I blurt out loud.

"Am I going to be okay doctor~?" Aloha teases.

"U-Um, yeah... but we should clean your wound with water first, we should take you to the showers." I pulled him up to his feet.

We walked to the boardwalk to the publish shower, Aloha walked under one and rinsed his back off with water, wincing.

I waited as he stood by me, waiting for me to put the healing aloe vera on him. I rub it in gently.

"Diver...?" Aloha shook suddenly.

It's been almost a year since I published the last chapter lol
but hey this one is out and better than ever
how's everyone enjoying quarantine?
the only good news about this quarantine shit is that i get to write


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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