A Day With Only Him Part 2

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"Army I can assure you that I'm perfectly fi-" "Aloha, please I think we both know you're lying. I want you to actually rest, you've been pushing it all too hard lately, and that could harm you," Army interrupts, his piercing orange eyes locked at my tired magenta orbs. "Army what are you talking about?" I laugh it off, but I knew what exactly he was saying. All of last week I've dragged all of S4 leaving all of us in defeat, so I had to try harder. Army murmurs something I could barely hear so I was about to get up. That was until Army grabs my wrists in a instant and aggressively pin me on my bed. Even if Army is the "weakest" one in the S4, he was pretty strong. We stared at one another's eyes, starting to make me blush. "Now stay there got it? Army let's go of my wrists and I laid there shocked. That's not like Army at all, he made me feel... terrified. Army came back with another blanket to wrap me in like a tiny fuzzy burrito.

He leaves without another word and from my room I can hear him start to cook, probably his famous curry. If that's the case, hopefully the groceries Octoglasses had most of the ingredients. As I waited all I did was stare at my ceiling, almost falling asleep to the calming whispers of my ceiling fan. I watched as it rotates in a steady motion clockwise mesmerizes me in a relaxed trance. And with the smell of curry being made me fill up with satisfaction. Army comes in with a plate of curry, "can't always run on an empty stomach now can't you?" He places the curry on my nightstand, expecting me to dig in already. "My hands are stuck... you wrapped this blanket around me too tight..." I say as I try to struggle my hands free but failed miserably. "Hmm... it looks like I'm just going to feed it to you then," Army sighs as he picks up the fork, with curry laying on the tips of it. He shoves the curry in my mouth all in a somewhat soft motion. The flavor burst into my mouth, and I let it melt in my mouth.

Even though it was the best curry Army has made in a while, I couldn't finish even a quarter of it. I don't know, it's like I can't finish things for a while now. Army puts the leftovers in the fridge and also cleans up his mess. Once more I stare at my ceiling fan steadily turning clockwise. Slower and slower... my eyes grew heavy and was soon the dark embraces me.


After I clean up the curry I do another check up on Aloha, who was currently sleeping now. He looked too adorable, wrapped like he was a swaddled baby. Or a fuzzy banana. I beam, taking off my parka, grabbing my phone and playing beside him playing mindless games.

Somebody knocks on the door, thank cod Aloha didn't awake to that easily. I went to go answer the door because it would be rude to not answer. Strawhat was at the front of the door, that's what I at least saw through the peeping hole from Aloha's door. I open it softly. "Oh... hey... Army! Is Aloha... home?" Strawhat stutters timidly and couldn't even look at me in the eye. "Yeah he is... but he's resting right now," I reply sighing. "That makes sense... I was just making sure he was okay. I heard... he was jumped saving Diver..." Strawhat opens up a bit more, but she spoke more quietly like someone will hear. "Oh okay. He's fine now 'cause I'm taking care of him, so you don't have to worry." "Okay... thank you Army," she waves as she leaves his yard and walked what I presume home. I turn around to see Aloha's somewhat messy living room. All it was just blankets everywhere, so being nice I picked up after him. That's when I heard a loud thump coming from Aloha's room.

I peered my head through his doorway and it looks like he rolled out of bed. He didn't wake up either, which was not surprising at all. I pick up his surprisingly light body and placed him back onto his bed. His eyes slowly awakened, staring at me. We stared at one another for a while, "You... good Aloha?" "I've noticed that you have beautiful eyes..." even with his face half covered with the blanket, I could tell he was smirking, and that my face was burning bright orange. "Th-Thank you..." I tried to act like I didn't care about that compliment, but hopefully what he saw was true.

Sorry this chapter isn't longer like the rest
But hopefully you enjoy!


Don't Touch Him, He's Mine! || Army x Aloha x DiverWhere stories live. Discover now