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"Army...?" I was able to finally say after choking on my sobs. "Yes Aloha?" Army came a bit closer. Cod his lips looked so soft; I couldn't resist them. I grab his shirt clumsily pulling him close and kissing his lips. He tensed, almost pulling away; but he relaxed, kissing back. He grabs my waist pulling me into his embrace; but I started blacking out. There were muffled sounds as we broke the kiss. That's what I remembered that night.

~Next Day~

The sunlight hits at an awkward angle at my eyes, causing me to wake up fully; but I found myself in a place I didn't recognize. Even worse, I didn't have a shirt on. I shiver trying to get up, noticing there were arms wrapped around my waist. Soft snoring was behind me, and I knew it was Army who was spooning me. I didn't want to wake him up; lately he's been sleepless and catching up on sleep would be the best option for him. So I stayed in his embrace, smiling to myself.

Suddenly Army sits up looking at me. "Mmm...? Up already..?" He tiredly smiles at me. I turn towards his direction, smiling back at him. "Well morning to you too sleeping beauty~" I giggle. "Explain to me why I don't have my shirt on?" "I put it in the wash after you threw it at my face..." Army grunts, sitting up to stretch. I sat up as well, "I don't remember that at all." "Dude you were drunk, course you wouldn't remember..." Army sighs. I shrug, I looked at my phone; Diver was spamming me, apologizing.

"Oml Aloha!"

"Hey Aloha are you okay? The girls told me you..."

"You were panicking? I feel so bad."

I accepted his apology, everyone deserves a second chance. I don't think he was going to purposely leave me.

"So do you want to hang at the beach today?

"Ah... I would if I could but I'm busy today."

"That's alright,"

He left me on read, which kind of ticked me off. Army gets up, "Hey Army?" "Huh?" I suddenly get an idea. "Army, how about I teach you how to surf?" I smile. He whips around terrified. "T-Teaching me to surf? For eel?" Army stutters. "Well yeah! It would be fun~" I get up, walking up to his side. "I don't know..." Army was tensing. "C'mon Army~! It'll be fun~" I grab his hands, looking into his Amber like eyes. "Mmm... maybe," he shrugs. "Just at least come, I won't make you surf, but I know I'm hitting the waves," I wink. I leave Army's room to search for my sky blue aloha shirt. Forge had it in her hands, unpinning it from the rod. "O-Oh, mr Aloha... you're a-awake..." Forge stutters. "Yeah... I guess," I shrug. Forge awkwardly hands me my shirt; I throw it on and went back to Army. "Ready~?" I beam. "A-Ah yes, let's go," Army nods and we left his house.

I lead Army down to the boardwalk and to this beach house. It was a store I used to work at not that long ago. We enter inside, and right off the bat I see my old co-worker jelly friend. Keiko. Keiko was one of the only jellies that show their humanoid form. She turns, smirking at me. "Aloha~?! Is that really you~~?" She grins as we walked to the desk she stood at. "Keiko~! Long time no see~" I wink. "How's life? Haven't seen ya in forever!" She hugs me over the table. "Nothin much, was about to surf with my friend Army!" I tell her, grabbing Army's hand. "Doesn't look like he's much of a surfer though," Keiko moves closer to Army's face. "I'm going to teach him," I yank Army away from Keiko, growling at her.

"Okay~" Keiko smirks, leaning back. "You two are renting then?" "Yes we are~" I nod. "Alrighty, since you were an employee before, I trust that you two can rent for free." Keiko smiles. "Thanks Keiko~" I wink. "Anytime Lo, take them for as long as you want as long as you two return them~!" "Will do!" I forcefully drag Army to the surf boards of the shop. "Pick one~" I giggle as I picked mine. He shrugs looking at me, then he grabs a random one. I lead Army out and chose the perfect spot on the beach. "I'll be back Aloha..." Army sets down his stuff and drifted towards the changing huts. "Alright, don't wander too far," I tease, opening a case of hibiscus-smelling wax to apply on our surf boards. While Army was still away, I set up our spot with a blanket and a sunbrella, having rocks anchor the blanket. I didn't want my aloha shirt to get wet from the salty waters, so I took it off, setting it near the sunbrella along with my golf visor.

Army comes back with a pale face, but he was changed into his swimming stuff. "You good Army? Looks like you seen a ghost..."

Don't Touch Him, He's Mine! || Army x Aloha x DiverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora