A Party With Diver~!

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"Cod Aloha, it takes you this long to get ready?" Diver snorts sitting upon my bed. "Hhhhh Diver! Can't find my shirt..." I was becoming lost in my frustration, going room to room in my house and checking every single spot. Diver being his lazy self stares at the ceiling. "Did you even look in the laundry room?" He groans, trying to lazily help. "Huh the laundry room? Hmm maybe about 47 TIMES I LOOKED IN THERE!" I growl, throwing a pillow at him. He gets up. "Lo, calm down..." he pulls me into his embrace, patting my head. "Diver... you're not helping at all..." I sigh, not leaving his embrace.  "Just take deep breaths..." Diver whispers. "That's too hard..." I whined childishly, pushing him away and in the corner of my eye I saw what I was looking for. This whole time, Diver was rather laying on it on accident or hiding it from me on purpose.

I turn to Diver with such fury in my eyes. "Is that what you're looking for~?" Diver points out the obvious. I glared, snatching my light blue aloha shirt and throwing it on. On top of that, I also threw on my hot pink golf visor and crazy arrows. We both left without another word; Diver drove to Straw's house with the sunsetting bright pink and orange colors above us. The two of us entered her house and Octoglasses was already there too. "Well heya!" Octoglasses cheers, hugging both me and Diver. "Yo~!" I hug back, smiling. "Hey Octoglasses," Diver shrugs, kind of giving her a hug as well. "You two want to help set up?" Straw pokes her head out from the closet smiling. "That's why we came here early~" I leave from her embrace and walked to Straw Hat. "Hmm, alright!" Straw beams brighter, I began helping her with decorations. Diver and Octoglasses were whispering to one another as they brought out food, which I felt they were talking about me. Every few seconds I catch glances of them both looking at me.

"It seems like your bruises are going away..." Straw suddenly spurts as we were moving furniture around. "Heh yeah, they hurt less that's for sure..." I sigh, I didn't want any of them or anyone to talk about what happened a week ago. Straw seemed a bit strangle lately, "Hey... Aloha..?" "Hmm?" "You seemed... I don't know, distant... lately," She sighs looking at me with her big soft eyes. "Just recovering is all, having days to myself I guess," I shrug. "Mm, makes sense," Straw quietly nods. "Is um... Army still bothering you?" "I haven't seen him lately, no..." I shrug. "Mmm..." Straw drifts to her thoughts as we continue decorating.

The Party

I push myself up off the ground with a rushing headache. "You good Aloha~?" Diver cackles chugging another one of his pineapple mixed vodka, kissing my forehead. "I'm good~" I wrap my arms around him giggling. "Heheh, alright cutie..." he grabs my waist pulling me closer to his embrace. We nuzzle noses, Diver letting me go, "I'll be back cutie." He kisses my warm cheek as he went to get more vodka for himself. I sat on the table patiently waiting for him, as I suddenly see Army and Diver making out right in front of me. The two men that I like, now, were kissing one another; they both seemed into it...

I suddenly wake up in Straw Hat's bedroom, of course it was just a silly dream. A wet rag was placed on my forehead as Diver was laying next to me. "Hey sleeping beauty~. How was your slumber~?" Diver snickers. "Oh shut up silly," I groan as I sat up and Diver kisses my forehead. "You still up for partyin babe?" Diver winks. "Duh~!" I roll out of the bed and we both walked out of Straw's bedroom. "So how did I end up in her room?" I turned to Diver and ask. "After you collapsed from being surprised attacked from behind from Octoglasses," he snorts, drinking more of his pineapple mixed vodka. "You've been drinking a lot of those haven't you?" I ask as he drowns himself in it. "What can I say, it's too good... You haven't even touched a drink at all this whole time," he replies. "You know how it messed me up... remember last party?" I sigh, watching other people at this party.

"So it only happened once, doesn't mean that it will happen again," Diver suddenly goes and looks in the fridge. "Guess that's true..." "Here have one," he tosses me some vodka; I catch successfully. I pop off the cap, slowly drinking it. Diver being a tease, lifts it up as I drink which caused me to cough, I look at him chuckling. "Diver~" a sudden voice called him. We both looked up to see a turquoise inkling, "remember me? When we were really young?" She sounded so familiar, too. "E-Erika? Is that really you?" Diver stutters in disbelief. "Duh silly, I don't just go up to random ass strangers," Erika giggles. Erika was Diver's little school crush back when we were really little. Cod I almost forgot about her.

"Wow you haven't changed a bit! How are you?" Diver asks. "I'm quite alright, and oh... hi Aloha," she looks at me with her bitchy green eyes. "Howdy Erika," I did a small wave as I took a sip of my vodka saltily. "Didn't notice you were there shorty~" she raised her eyebrows at me, then turn back to Diver. "Anyway I just wanted to catch up with things, unless you're busy..." "No no, we're not doing much so yeah! Let's catch up!" Diver smiles. That idea infuriated me, "you guys go ahead." "Oh? Why not join?" Erika questions. "Octoglasses and Straw need me, have fun you two." I finished my drink and left towards the direction of the two who I mentioned.

Don't Touch Him, He's Mine! || Army x Aloha x DiverWhere stories live. Discover now