That Bastard-

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I sip my sweetened mocha coffee as I was writing some notes down in my manuel. That is, until White and Blue sailor appear from behind me. "Mr. Army aren't you coming to the party?" White Sailor pokes me in an annoyingly fashion. "What?" I lift my head from my notes. "Take a break and come party! Heard that Aloha's there!" Blue Sailor adds as he and White Sailor pull me out of my chair. "Another one of Aloha's parties? Count me out," I struggle myself free from the two's grasp and sat back down. "Why not? Don't you like Aloha or something?" Blue and White wondered in a union. "Well yeah, but have you seen his parties? Plus I'm not really in the mood," I sigh. "Ugh! You're never in the mood, either go or I'll spread that rumor," Blue Sailor smirks. No, it wasn't the rumor that I liked Aloha, bet that already came out anyway; but it was a totally different event that mustn't be brought up. "Don't you fucking dare," I growl. "Then come weirdo!" White Sailor drags me out of the house; Blue following behind. "Let go of me!" I screech, Forge meets up with us too and they shove me into the car. "Army you need a break and party hard tonight okay?!" Forge snaps, which honestly startled me. "F-Fine..." I sigh, we drove off to Straw's house. I hop out of the car before the rest of my team, opening the door.

It was already so chaotic; there was music blared enough to make people's ears bleed, a lot of strobe lights, and the worst of all people. I awkwardly stumble in examining more of the party. Already I saw Aloha hysterically laughing with Diver and the other two girls of Aloha's team. If they saw me they would of beat me in front of everyone, so I kept my distance. I caught Aloha glancing at me, which made my heart beat a million miles per second. He smiled, but that fat ass (not at all though lol) Diver gets in the way and drags him to the dance floor. They were having so much fun, I was honestly kind of jealous. Okay, maybe not kind of, but really jealous. My body shifts to the bar, which for some weird reason, Safari was running. "Ah~! Army! What drink would you like~?" Safari creepily smiles as I walked up to order. "Surprise me, I don't care anyway," I shrug, sitting at the bar.

"Alright then," Safari was surprisingly good at mixology; he hands me a refreshing whiskey sour. "Drink up Army, probably gonna be a long night," he winks, he seriously gives me the creeps. My orange eyes couldn't keep off of the drink; I start to sip on it. The sour part of the cocktail zinged; it made my eyes close so tight for how sour it really was. But it was so good, and my body craved more.

I got drunk, and I tried partying with others. Everyone was drunk with me so it was all alright! I finally let all my stress go and had fun, though I've never seen any of my teammates, not even Aloha either. But wherever I look, there was Diver. I watched as he and this random yellow inkling girl exited the house; leaving Aloha here...? I tried not to focus on that bullshit, until I heard someone throw up. Everyone cleared an opening between Aloha and Emperor. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU FILTHY PEASANT?! THIS WAS A NEW SHIRT!" He screamed at Aloha, who looked so wasted and frightened. His hands were clutching the sides of his head like he was going mad, backing up and whispering to himself. Tears started falling from his cheeks. Aloha kept backing up until he bumped into me, which he whipped around and stared at me. His magenta eyes were shrunken with fear; he started crouching and crying. Others didn't seem to care and went on with their lives, I however was helping him. "Aloha, hey it's ok.." I tried soothing him, but he kept panicking.

I picked up the sad Aloha bridal style and carried him to the backyard, which was pretty empty. I set him on a chair, crouching in front of him. "Aloha, you're okay, what's wrong?" I was holding his hand, but he wouldn't answer. He suddenly jumps and hugs me so tight, I didn't care. We fell backward, hitting the cold concrete. I rubbed his back while he calmed down, or well at least tried to calm down. I sit up as we broke from the hug, his sadden eyes looked at me.


"Okay Aloha, tell me what's wrong," Army grabs my hand, soothing it. I was still a crying mess, staring at him. "I don't know..." I panted, still sobbing. "Aloha, please tell me," Army inches closer to my side. Tears still blinded me as I tried to speak, but I still remembered what happened. "I-I'll try..." I said in between sobs.

~a tiny flashback~

When I left as Erika and Diver talked, I never went to Straw or Octoglasses. Instead, I drowned myself in more vodka; it's what Diver would if wanted anyway. It took away the negativity, and I forgot everything. I was lost with the music that blared, dancing with others than Diver. When I did dance, I glanced at Diver, which paid some attention to me. I tried motioning him towards me; however all of his attention was to Erika. I gave up when I saw her again, so I danced by myself. It got so lonely, that I even went back to the two. But, they weren't where they were sitting, so I tried looking for them everywhere. I felt so rushed, I felt so hurt that they might of died. I looked everywhere, feeling nauseated. Emperor stopped me in my tracks, "Aloha...? You alright?" He held my shoulders, making me look at him. That's when I vomited on him, that's why he screamed at me. The scream just made me panic even more...

But thank cod, Army.
He was all who I needed at that point.

Don't Touch Him, He's Mine! || Army x Aloha x DiverWhere stories live. Discover now