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I can't believe she has the nerve to ignore me

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I can't believe she has the nerve to ignore me. It's been months and I haven't heard from Deborah at all. I've tried calling her and texting her but always sent to voicemail. I saw her girlfriend three months ago and she gave me the nastiest look. I don't care about her all I care about is Deborah and she's being a complete asshole.

I walked down the dairy aisle in Whole Foods looking for my favorite almond milk. I smiled and went to grab it but instead I grabbed another person's hand who were going for the same thing. I looked up and there she was.

"Debby baby it's been so long."

"Excuse me I have to go"

She tried walking away from me but I wasn't having it so I blocked her path. She sighed as she looked up at me.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not ignoring you I just don't have anything to say to you."

"You're a horrible lier. You've been ignoring me for months. I've been calling you and texting you and you never answered."

"Well did it ever occur to you to stop trying?"

"Why are you being like this with me baby?"

"Being like what? Honest? And please stop calling me baby."

"What? You loved when I called you baby. It made you all warm inside."

"That was once upon a time and that fairytale is been over."

"I don't understand. What did I even do to you?"

"You tried to ruin my life. Your life may be in shambles but mines was perfect before you washed up ashore."

"Are you seriously gonna blame that all on me?  Last time I checked, you didn't stopped me that night even if you wanted to you didn't."

"You know what? Fuck can delete my number and stay the hell away from me."

Now I was getting upset. I know what I did that day but she was just as dirty as I was. Before I knew it, I grabbed her arm spinning her back around.

"No I'm not gonna leave you alone. You don't get that luxury of doing that. You don't fuck someone and expect them to leave you alone."

"Well you sure as hell didn't have a hard time doing it now did you?"

"Are you seriously gonna bring up the past every single time? Jesus Deborah why can't you see that I'm trying? I'm trying to be better for you. I'm trying to show you how much I love you but you're too busy being a bitch about it."

"Love? You don't know what love is. How could you stand there and try to play innocent? Janice open your fucking eyes. We could never go back together even if we were the only ones left. I can't do that to myself again. You expect me to give up everything and run into your arms? If that's the case, you're crazier than I thought."

"I'm not crazy...I'm in love. Can't you see? I love you baby I always have and I always will."

"Well I'm sorry you feel that way. My love for you died a long time ago. I love another and I plan on spending the rest of my life with her. You need to move on and just get over it. We're never getting back together...ever."

"I-I'm sorry what? Forever?"

"Yes Janice forever. I've already made my choice."

"So you're marrying her?"

"No Janice...I've already married her."

I felt my heart sink. My brain became fuzzy trying to process all this bullshit. How could she do this to me? I couldn't help the tears that fell down my face.

"You're married? How? Why? When?"

"I married her three months ago and why? Because I love her that's why. Now you need to find someone to love because I can't be that person for you."

"I can't believe you've did this to us."

"That 'us' that you think were there, was buried with the love I had for you. I picked myself up and made myself anew. What happens from here on, I really don't care anymore. We had a chance to be friends but we can't do that either. You've made your bed Janice now you've got to lay in it. I'm gonna go lay in mines...with my wife...You take care."

She left me standing in the middle of the aisle...a complete mess. My brain has yet to process what just happened. Why would she marry someone else? Promise her a forever? That's unacceptable. My heart became cold and now all I can think about is vengeance...she's gonna wish she hadn't done that.

Okay guys(and by 'guys' I mean the three people who actually gives a shit about my books🙄😭🤦🏾‍♀️)tell me what you think. I had to write this chapter before the idea left my mind.

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