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Her arm wrapped tightly around my body as she slept. My eyes rolled as she cuddled into me. Laid there wide awake for hours thinking that tonight was the night I escaped to freedom and to be with my wife.

I tried ever so slowly to get her arm off of me. She began to stir but remained asleep. I got up and put on the sweatpants I specifically placed under the bed. After I placed my shoes on, I tiptoed out of the room. I finally made my way down the long hallway and began to smile...I was almost free.

I walked to the door but it was locked, I waked to every window but they were locked too. Suddenly, I remembered passing a small opening in the wall she probably didn't even realize was there. I squeezed my way through the opening but I fell into a hole. I took the phone that I stole from her and turned on the flashlight.

I was standing in what seemed to be a tunnel so I followed the direction of what I'm hoping to be an exit. After what seemed to be hours, I saw an exit well lit from the moon. I smiled as I ran as fast as I could. I ran and ran for my life until finally, I was free.

I looked around in the woods and followed my instinct. I began to follow the sound of water. I came across an old bridge and began to walk. I walked and walked until I saw city lights.

Finally, seeing the hospital, I fell to my knees in excitement and tiredness. I picked myself up and began to run towards the direction of the building. A nurse recognized me and ran to me in shock.

"Dr Morris?!??"

"Help me"

Those were the last words I spoke before the world around became dark. I felt my soul left my body as I hit the floor.

"Baby? Baby wake up"

A tiny voice whispered in my ear. I fought hard to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge. I thought I was dead...if this was what death felt like, I wouldn't mind.

"Baby I know you can hear me. Come back to me my love."

There it was again...that voice.

"Bitch if you don't wake the fuck it and I'm gonna tell everyone what happened in high school."

I heard another voice said. This voice was much more aggressive. Some how, my brain awoken and I could feel the life coming back to my body. Slowly, my eyes fluttered open and I could see two figures standing above me.

My vision became clear and that's when I noticed my wife's beautiful face...I immediately began to cry. It's been so long since I've seen those eyes. I then looked to my left and there stood my best friend Nadine. Without thinking, my eyes involuntarily rolled themselves.

"Well ain't this a bitch, couple hours passed out and you can look at her with love but give me be stink face? You know what I should put you back in that coma."

I couldn't help but to giggle at her childishness. Her face resembled that of a child. I looked back at my wife who hasn't said anything. She stood there with tears in her eyes.

"Baby come here."

I held my hand out for her to take but she only looked at it unsure if she should.

"Come here"

Still, didn't move instead, she just cried.

"I thought you were dead."

She finally whispered through her tears. Suddenly, she pounced on me squeezing the life out of me but I didn't mind. I was happy to feel her body again.

"I missed you so much."

The door opened and in walked two guys in gray suits one with a notepad in his hand.

"Dr Morris good to see you're awake. I'm detective Sims and this is officer Riley uh we would to ask you some questions."

Nadine jumped up first before I could open my mouth to respond.

"Now wait a minute okay this woman has been through hell and back and just woke up from a coma. Can't you guys be a little fucking considerate? You just bust in here not caring about her at all. You know what, you two can leave and she will talk to you fuckers when she's ready."

They stood there in shock but obliged and walked out. I stared at Nadine with wide eyes.

"You will never change."

"Those motherfuckers are rude."

"Baby? What happened to you?"

I took a deep breath and thought about the question. Flashbacks of what happened to me began to play in my mind like a movie. I didn't know how to explain what had happened to me without crying so I made it as simple as I could.


I told you that I haven't abandoned you guys. I may be busy as hell but still I will never forget. Thank you guys so much for being patient...yes even the ghost readers. It's been some time now so I hope you like it.~Peaches 💋

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