Smile for Me- Chapter 4.5

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  • Dedicated to Takahiro Yamato

The next day:

“Dad I’m home!” I shouted as we entered the living room.

“Okaeri!” My dad replied and went out to welcome me but then he saw Dylan. “Oh?”

“Good evening Mr. Uchida.” Dylan smiled while my dad was just glaring at him.

“Are you hear to ask permission to marry my daughter?” Dylan laughed.

“Da~d! What the heck are you talking ‘bout? It’s Dylan! My best friend!?”

“Oh, sorry. I wasn’t wearing my glasses that night.” My dad scratched the back of his head as he embarrassed himself.

“It’s ok Mr. Uchida.” He smiled.

“Oh please, don’t call me Mr. Uchida. Call me uncle if you want. After all, you’re my little girl’s “best friend””

“Dad please stop. And who are you calling little girl!? Ugh! Let’s go Dylan.” I pulled him and ran upstairs to my room.

“Hey! What are you going to do there?” My dad shouted from the living room as we enter my room.

“We’re going to study for the exam!” I replied and shut the door behind me. “*pant* Sorry ‘bout that. Make yourself feel at home, I’ll just check my Facebook account and see if my brother messaged me.”

As I open my account I didn’t notice that Dylan was just standing behind me.

“Oh! That’s our picture from the other day right?”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah. *sigh* No message from nii-san? Oh well, let’s start.”

We got our notebooks and pens out and started.

“Example number one. -9x2 9x +6 =0.”

“Mm.-(-9) plus or minus square root of 9 squared minus 4 time negative 9 times 6 all over negative 6.”

“Correct. Now try simplifying that.”

“.... simplest form is 3 plus square root of 33 all over negative 6!”

“Good! What do you need the tutorial for?”

“Like I said. I always have the lowest score on my Math papers.”

“But you’re doing grea-.” His sentence was cut off as my phone rings.

“Ah. Sorry I have to take this call, it’s my brother.”


I flicked my phone to answer it.

“Hello? Nii-chan?”

“Hi Angel, how are you?”

“I was just studying for the exams.”

“Oh? Studying? That’s peculiar.”

“I thought I had to take studying more seriously since I’m already in high school.”

“I see. So how’s dad doing over there?” I sighed.

“He- he’s doing fine.” I fidget as I answered and when I looked at Dylan he looks interested as to what we’re talking about. “How about mom?” this time Dylan raised an eyebrow to show his interest.

“She’s doing fine as well.”

“I- I see.” For a second the line was filled with silence.

“Angel, you don’t have to be so affected by it. It’s the problem of the adults. Besides, I promise you that I’ll get them back together. So stop worrying ok?”

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