Smile for Me- Chapter 5.5

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“Friday night beneath the stars, and a field behind your yard. You and I are painting pictures in the sky…….”

My ringtone plays and at the same time, my phone started vibrating.

“Moshi moshi?” I picked up my phone.

“Hey Angel, it’s Demi. Well actually it’s Demi, Krissy and Erica.”

“Hi Angel.” Erica said on the other line.

“Huh? Conference call?” I asked

“Lemme talk too.” I heard Krissy’s voice on the other line. “Hey Angel, are you busy tomorrow?”

“Hmm? Well, I’m pretty much free the whole summer.”

“Let’s go to the beach!” Erica snatched the phone from Krissy.

“Ah, so that’s why you called.”

“Well, we’re all free for the whole summer so we thought maybe we could spend our time together while beating the heat.” Demi explain

“If it’s the beach I think I’ll have to pass. You guys can go ahead. Thanks for the invitation though.”

“Huh? Why? C’mon now Angel, it won’t be any fun without you! Besides, Dylan’s going. Aren’t you Dylan?” Demi persisted, but I never knew he’s on the line as well. Just right after Demi spoke, I heard some shuffling and muffling sounds, as if a phone is being passed.

“Angel, it’s Dylan. You should go too.”

“Can you pass the phone over to Demi?” and he did as I said. “How should I put this. Uh, well. Every summer, my family and I always spent our vacation in Cannes. So I’m kinda sick of the beaches for now, sorry. Maybe I’ll join you next year?”

“Ahh! That’s no good. We want to spend our summer altogether.” Krissy said.

“Yeah! I mean, it’s your first summer in Japan after all.” Erica followed.

“Maybe we can work this out. What do you think Dylan? Angel doesn’t want to go to the beach.” Demi asked him.

“Hmm… How about we go to the ice rink then?” Dylan suggested.

I wonder why Dylan’s at Demi’s place. I went silent on the line as I was wondering.

“Oi! Angel? Are you there?” Demi was shouting. Not only was I wondering, but I also left earth.

“Yeah. Sorry, I was thinking about something. So where were we?”

“Dylan suggested we go ice skating instead. So we can beat the heat without going to the beach. Sound good to you?”

“Eh… Su-sure, but what about Krissy and Erica? Are you guys fine with that?”

“No objections here! I would love to go ice skating once in a while.” Erica approves.

“Yeah! Me too!” and so does Krissy, who’s probably shouting at Erica right now.

“That settles it then. Angel, Dylan will pick you up at 12:30. Krissy, Erica. I’ll mail you what time we should meet here.

“Ok.” The three of us said at once.

“Alrighty. See you tomorrow then.”

And with that we bid our farewell and hung up. I lay down to bed and placed the back of my hand in my forehead while holding my phone.


“Dylan in Demi’s place huh?” and then I rolled to my side. “Could he be making his move already? But… why didn’t he tell me about it.”

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