Smile for Me- Chapter 5

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It’s August 1, and it’s 6:04 in my watch. Dylan must be here any second now. I just finished prepping and fixing my hair by myself since my mom’s in France and I’m only living with my dad that I had to do this kind of stuff alone. Few moments later Dylan came to pick me up and as I opened the door and:



“You look cute.” I covered my mouth with the back of my hand as my face was flushed from hearing those words.

“Wha-whatever. Before we go, have two tanzaku. You should write your wishes and we’ll hang it on the bamboo that we have in the garden.”

[a/n: tanzaku is a bookmark shaped paper used to write your wished on and hung in bamboos.]

After that we left for the harbor. Dylan actually brought a car. Since he’s already 16 years old, he’s already permitted to take driving lessons and it seems that he passed so I feel secured.

When we’re on our way to the harbor, Dylan broke the silence. Too bad, just when I was enjoying the silence as well.

“So what did you wish for?”

“Well, I asked that my parents will be able to fix their problem.”

“Oh really? How blunt.” Followed by a mocking laughter.

“Of course I didn’t write it like that! I’m quite the poet sometimes you know!” followed by a short silence, but I can’t manage to refrain from breaking the silence since I feel obliged to ask him about his wish as well. “How about you? What did you wish for?”

“Who? Me?”

“No, not you. I’m talking to the guy at the back.” I peeked over my shoulder and started talking to thin air. “Isn’t that right?” and then Dylan laughed. “Of course I’m talking to you Dyl. Are you crazy?”

“Well if you wanna know so badly. I wished that Demi and become properly going out sooner or later.”

I admit, I was shocked. Hurt. I looked at the window and rest my chin in my hand.

“I see.” I responded.

“Hey? What’s wrong? You okay?” am I that bad at acting? He saw right through me!

“Huh? Yeah. Why’d you ask?”

“Your way of talking changed. Earlier you were so sarcastic and then in an instant you talked so bluntly.” It was in my voice after all. At least it’s not my acting right?

“No, it’s nothing. I just remembered something.”

It didn’t seem so far. It took us only 15 minutes to reach the harbor. But what really surprised me was the stalls. Yakisoba, cotton candy, takoyaki and many more. My first Tanabata, with my best friend. This should be fun. Right?

[a/n: yakisoba is stir fried noodles. takoyaki is grilled octopus balls.] 

And so, we started strolling and not to mention, eating.

“I want the pink one! The pink one!” I insisted.

“I thought you like blue?”

“Well today is an exception.” I grabbed the cotton candy he was holding and started eating.

“Leave some for me too~”

“Heh? You could just buy one for yourself.”

“But! My money!” and then he started sniffling.

“Wha-! Ok! Ok! Here~. Let’s share.” And then he bit the cotton candy and pulled. “Geez, you’re so childish sometimes. But I like this one better than the cold Dylan.”

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