Coming out

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I came out twice. First was to my twin sister. Second to my mom.

So first time coming out we were on the couch and I didn't want to actually say it. I don't really remember why only that I was scared. My sister hates labels so I knew she was going to be angry about this. But I couldn't keep it a secret any longer. So I texted her. "Please don't be mad at me and promise not to tell mom. But I am demisexual again I explained in the text what demisexual was." I was right she was livid and went on a rant about labeling myself. But at the end she agreed not to tell Mom.

So when I came out the second time. It was during my twin sisters flag competition, I am the flag assistant who just carries the flags. I was sister in the bleachers and I was working up the courage to tell my mom. I had texted her to come over so I could tell her something, since she was sitting with the family and my friend ally. She had came over and as soon as she came over I rushed the words out. "iamdemisexual." It was literally like that, she told me of course to repeat what I said but slower. I did. "I am demisexual." I couldn't tell what she was thinking. She then asked me what it was so I explain it to her. About ten times later of explaining it to her she said "Okay." I didn't want it to be awkward so I made a joke about her not having to be worried about me having sex. She just laughed and walked away.

My life as a DemisexualWhere stories live. Discover now