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So my sister after months of me coming  out decided to ask me a very stupid question about my sexuality.

"Are you doing this to fit in?


"The whole demi thing. Are you doing it to fit in?"

"No. I came out because I am demisexual. I didn't want to hide it from you."

"Demi whatever is just like being normal. So why label yourself?"

"Demisexual is not normal. I have explain it to you over ten times. How can you say it's normal?"

"Cuz no one wants to do it on the first night."

"What if I don't want to do it after three years or after a year of dating?"

"I don't know maybe your waiting for marriage."

"Emma this has nothing to deal about waiting till marriage. This is about me not feeling sexually attracted to someone till after a close emotional bond. I don't know why your being like this? I was there for you when you were questioning yourself. Why aren't you being here for me. Why are you not supporting me?"


Note- anytime my sexuality comes up my sister will roll her eyes, make a smart comment and I will just tell her to shut up. She's a good sister but when it comes to my sexuality she is a pain.

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