Chapter 1

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Mudkit sat nervously in the depths of the nursery. It was almost time for him and his siblings to become apprentices. His father was deputy of Riverclan now after his mother had been killed in battle. Fishpelt, who had a kit of her own, has been nursing Mudkit and his siblings in their mother's place.

Mudkit was excited though, to become an apprentice. Onepaw and Winterpaw were becoming warriors today too, so the apprentices den wouldn't be too packed and Mudkit would still be with his friends.

Distantly, Mudkit could hear Mistystar calling for the clan meeting. Mudkit felt a fresh wave of fear and excitement wash over him. Lillykit scrabbled to her feet on notice of her mother's rise.

"Is it time already?" She asked hardly able to contain her excitement. Fishpelt nodded already looking proud.
"Yes, we aught too hurry. We wouldn't want to crash Onepaw's and Winterpaw'a ceremonies now, would we?" Lillykit shook her head fiercely and proceeded to bound out the den. Mudkit waited for Fishpelt to follow and then slowly followed behind his siblings. He wished he was as excited as Lillykit.

Mudkit and his siblings found Greystripe quickly. He had asked them if they were feeling excited. Duskkit and Silverkit definitely were, but Mudkit was still a little nervous. His Dad's enthusiastic encouragement had helped though.

He had watched the young warriors ceremonies with awe. He could almost imagine himself standing up there being granted his full title by Mistystar. He couldn't imagine how Onepaw and Winterpaw must have felt like being up there, everyone watching.

"Hey Mudkit. What do think your warrior name'll be?" Lillykit whispered to him whilst Winterpaw was being granted his new name.
"I don't know." Mudkit whispered back, eyes still fixed on the ceremony.
"I think he'll be renamed mouse brain because he is one!" Duskkit taunted.
"Hey!" Mudkit replied angrily shoving his brother.
"Be quiet!" Fishpelt scolded from behind them, "you'll interrupt the ceremony if you carry on!"
"Sorry," Mudkit and Duskkit murmured. Lillykit just snickered and went back to watching the ceremony.

Shorty after, the newly named warriors, Onewhisker and Winterstorm, had returned to their place in the crowd. Now it was their turn. Mudkit shuffled a little nervously as he watched Lillykit and then his siblings go up to Mistystar, each being given their own mentor. Mudkit was friendly with Lillykit- Lillypaw's new mentor, Brightflame but he hadn't seen his siblings mentors much.

"Hey buddy, it's your turn to shine now." Greystripe whispered giving him a nudge. Mudkit padded forward nervously and sat down by the end of highledge. He could feel the eyes of all his clanmates upon him.

"Mudkit," Mistystar began, "you have reached the age of six moons, and it's time for you to become apprenticed. From this day forth, until you receive your warrior name, you will known as Mudpaw. Your mentor will be Halfmoon. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you." Mistystar dipped her head and turned her gaze to Mudpaw's new mentor. Halfmoon stepped forward.

"Halfmoon, I believe you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Stromyclouds, and you have shown yourself to be caring and loyal to your clan. You will be mentor of Mudpaw and I expect you to pass all your knowledge down to him."

Mudpaw turned to face his mentor and shyly reached up to touch her nose. She smiled at him encouragingly and he gave her a nervous smile back. The cats around him began cheering for the new apprentices and Mudpaw felt his cheeks flush with the attention. He raced over to Greystripe burying his face in his side. Greystripe laughed and watched his other kits fondly as they wrestled each other near the apprentices den.

It wasn't long after, Mudpaw went to get some fresh kill. He'd eaten quickly still embarrassed by all the attention people were giving him. Once he'd finished he'd almost gone into the nursery embarrassing himself further. It was strange sleeping in the apprentices den but he liked it, and Mudpaw felt he could finally say he was excited for his warrior training to begin tomorrow.


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