Chapter 6

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"Are you alright Mudpaw?" Dawnpaw asked rushing over to her distressed den mate.
"...yeah..." Mudpaw heaved sounding a little unsure, "it was just a dream..."
"Yes, well it must have been a scary one!" Jetpaw interjected stalking forward, "if you're not careful, you're going to scare all the prey to Four Trees!"
"Sorry," Mudpaw mumbled feeling embarrassed as Jetpaw walked out the den. Dawnpaw placed a comforting tail on Mudpaw's shoulder.

"It's okay Mudpaw, you shouldn't have to apologies. Jetpaw's just got ants in his pelt." Mudpaw nodded unconvinced.

"Hey," Dawnpaw suggested upon seeing his discouragement, "why don't you go check on Lillypaw? I'm sure she'd like to see you."
"Yeah..." Mudpaw replies standing up. Perhaps he could mention his dream to Lillypaw? She was sure to confirm his doubts!

"Thanks Dawnpaw," he mewed passing to the medicine den.
"No problem!" She called after him.

Mudpaw was glad to see Jayfeather chatting calmly with Mistystar near the high ledge, that means less interruptions. Plus Jayfeather would be less likely to hear. The last thing Mudpaw would want is for Jayfeather to hear he had some wacky dream about his mother!

Mudpaw made sure to pick up some fresh kill on the way, just in case Lillypaw was hungry. Mudpaw wasn't sure he had much of an appetite after seeing his mother.

"Hey Mudpaw!" Lillypaw greeted as he padded into the den. "Shouldn't you be training right now?"
"Trying to get rid of me already, huh?" Mudpaw joked. He dropped the vole at her feet. "I thought you might be hungry." Lillypaw smiled up at him warmly.
"That's very nice of you. Sit," she smiled flicking her tail, "we can share."
"Okay," Mudpaw nodded swallowing hard.

"Where's Brownpaw?" Mudpaw asked after a few moments had passed.
"Oh, he went out to fetch some more herbs. Jayfeather wants to make sure we have enough for Leaf Bare." Mudpaw nodded taking another bite of their vole. "You know, rumour has it, Jayfeather's going to Brownpaw a fully fledged medicine cat soon."
"Really?" Mudpaw replied surprised, "that's great! I actually saw him just outside talking to Mistystar. Maybe they where talking about the ceremony?"
"Yeah, and herbs is a good way to distract Brownpaw from the conversation." Lillypaw added slyly. The lapsed back into silence for a few minuets before Mudpaw spoke up.

"Hey, Lillypaw?" He asked carefully.
"Yeah?" She replied looking up at him.
"I had a- a really strange dream last night..." he replied looking at his paws intently.
"Really?" Lillypaw asked ears pricking up. "What was it about?"
"M-my mum was there- I think- and she told me about a prophecy." Lillypaw's eyes widened. She lifted herself up awkwardly and pulled Mudpaw close.

"I had the same dream." She whispered. "Palmkit was there he told me-," Lillypaw cut off abruptly as Jayfeather padded back into the den. He eyed the two apprentices suspiciously.

"What's going on here then?" He asked walking past the pair.

"Nothing!" Lillypaw replied quickly, "Mudpaw just brought me some fresh kill."
"Well that's awfully kind of him, but he should be training." Jayfeather turned his blind eyes to face Mudpaw. "Halfmoon is looking for you."
"Okay!" Mudpaw stood up quickly, but turned back to Lillypaw. "I'll talk to you later."
"Yes, of course." She replied seriously, as Mudpaw slipped out the medicine den...

"Is something wrong Mudpaw?" Halfmoon asked him as Mudpaw lay flat on the ground. "This is the second catch you've missed."
"Sorry, Halfmoon." Mudpaw replied a little flustered, "I-I'm just a little worried about Lillypaw." It wasn't a complete lie, of course he was worried for Lillypaw, but now he also had a prophecy to worry about too!

Halfmoon let out a sympathetic sigh, resting her tail on Mudpaw's shoulder.

"I know it's hard seeing a friend hurt Mudpaw, but she is going to get better. Especially with friends like you." Mudpaw smiled feeling a little more encouraged.
"Thank you, Halfmoon." Halfmoon shook her head, smiling too.
"Let's go see if we can some prey, hmm?"
"Yeah, okay." Mudpaw said standing up. Perhaps there was a good reason Starclan had chosen him for the prophecy. Perhaps it wasn't a mistake after all.

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