Chapter 9

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It had been a few days since the gathering, and Mudpaw was currently on patrol. He wasn't paying any particular attention to Jetpaw's complaints, as he decided he had more important things to fret over. Like how he was supposed to fix the wolves' clans problems. Sunning Rocks was the last thing Mudpaw felt like worrying about!

Mudpaw, not realising the patrol had stopped, stumbled into Ashfur, earning a disapproving look and a snide snicker from Jetpaw. Mudpaw straightened himself up and flashed Jetpaw a quick glare.

Smallflame, who had been leading flicked his tail, signalling for the patrol to be quiet. He crouched down and snuck forward slowly. Mudpaw flinched slightly, as Smallflame shot forward suddenly, a loud yowl emitting from somewhere around him.

The other cats rushed forward, Jetpaw pushing his way to the front so he could see the action.

"Get off of me!" The voice yowled. Mudpaw froze suddenly, claws slipping out as he recognised the started voice Smokey. Mudpaw hesitated before slowly padding over to Jetpaw.

"Who are you?" Smallflame demanded harshly as Smokey wriggled under his grip. "What are you doing in Riverclan territory?"
"I-I was just- passing by!" Smokey struggled sending the warrior a glare.
Jetpaw scoffed. "Stealing our prey more like!" He growled under his breath.
Smokey grunted frustration, unable to shake the skilled warrior.

"You don't understand!" Smokey replied, flicking his gaze over to Mudpaw. Mudpaw turned away quickly, afraid his clan mates would realise Mudpaw knew the loner.

"Well," Smallflame said lifting a paw off Smokey. "Would you care to explain?" It wasn't a question. Smokey shuffled away from Smallflame's other paw, standing up. He gave his pelt a quick shake, stepping back. He cast a nervous glance towards Halfmoon and Ashfur, gaze briefly landing on Mudpaw.

"My father was a clan cat." Smokey Replied finally meeting Smallflame's gaze.
Jetpaw scoffed again besides Mudpaw.

"Brokenclaw, I believe you may have heard of him?" Smallflame's eyes widened at the name.
"But- Ravenstar told us all of the kits died-!" Smallflame cut off looking helplessly to Smokey.
"She must have been mistaken." Smokey mewed cautiously.

"That still doesn't explain why your here, wether your outlandish claims are true or not." Ashfur cut in, a suspicious glint in his eye. Smokey hesitated once again eyes trailing to Mudpaw. This time Mudpaw couldn't move away quick enough, finding his gaze trapped harshly by Smokey's gleaming amber eyes.

"I want to come back to the clans." Smokey replied confidently after a few heartbeats had passed. "I believe it is the right thing to do."
Mudpaw flinched slightly as Jetpaw let out some sound of disbelief and disgust.
"The right thing to do." He snarled under his breath, claws still digging firmly into the mud. Smallflame looked just as conflicted as Mudpaw felt. Could Smokey really join the clans? Was it best? Also who even was Brokenclaw? Mudpaw had certainly never heard of him!

"Wouldn't Shadowclan be a better choice?" Ashfur question in Smallflame's hesitation.
"I-I don't think I can ever go back there..." Smokey replied looking saddened for a brief moment. "I was hoping another clan may be willing to take me..." Smallflame let out a long sigh, tail drooping a little.

"I think we should see what Mistystar has to say about this." Smallflame mewed eventually.
Halfmoon nodded in agreement and Ashfur just let out a slightly indifferent 'sure.' Jetpaw looked like he was about to protest, but a sharp glare from his mentor quickly held him back. What a foxheart, Mudpaw thought he followed the patrol back to camp.

"Hey, Jetpaw?" Mudpaw asked quietly once he'd mustered up enough courage to question the rude apprentice. The two had hung back from everyone else, Smokey being escorted by the warriors. Mudpaw still couldn't keep his eyes off him.

"What?" Jetpaw asked a little grumpily.
Mudpaw hesitated, glancing back to the rest of the patrol. Once he was sure they couldn't hear he continued. "Wh-who was Brokenclaw?"
"Oh right," Jetpaw replied actually looking at Mudpaw this time, "of course you don't know. When I was a kit, there was a lot of trouble in Shadowclan, see Brokenclaw was their medicine cat. But, he had kits with a warrior- Willowfrost- I believe her name was." Mudpaw nodded curiously. "Thornstar was furious because back then, medicine cats weren't allowed to have kits. Willowfrost was exiled along with the kits and Brokenclaw could no longer be a medicine cat. Brockenclaaw spoke up at the gathering about it, and the other clans were a little less than horrified. Clearly, it wasn't right but by the time this was realised, it was too late. Bristlethorn was no where to be seen, and Brokenclaw ended up passing away shortly after his testament. With help from a sign from Smallberry the rule was changed to how it is now, and Thornstar eventually realised his mistake, retiring to the elders den. Medicine cats can have kits now, as long as they have an apprentice or assistant. It's just generally still preferred if they don't, you know?"
Mudpaw nodded mulling over the new information. "Huh, that's interesting." He mused after moments had past.
"Yeah." Jetpaw Replied, turning away.

The apprentices lapsed into silence as the tow re-entered camp. Smallflame went straight to Mistystar's den with Smokey. Mudpaw said goodbye to Jetpaw before pushing his way through the medicine den.

"Lillypaw," Mudpaw called.
"Yeah?" She called back from her makeshift den in the hollow.
"Something happened on patrol." Mudpaw told her cutting to the chase. "Smallflame found Smokey. He wants to join the clans, and apparently his parents used to be clan cats."
"Really?" Lillypaw asked in a hushed, but surprised voice. "What did Smallflame do?"
"He's taken him to Mistystar. They're going to decide what to do." Mudpaw was cut off abruptly by Brownpaw's entrance into the den.

"What are you two gossiping about?" He asked jokingly.
"Nothing." Mudpaw replied a little too quickly. Brownpaw chuckled in the form of a load rumble in his throat.
"How's your leg, Lillypaw?"
"A bit stiff." Lillypaw admitted. Probably from their little trip.
"Hmm. I'll go grab some Comfrey for you, and give it a quick check over."
"Thanks." Lillypaw Replied as Brownpaw headed off.

"I hate this." Lillypaw Replied once Brownpaw was gone. "We have a really important prophecy to deal with, and I can hardly walk!"
"Hey, it's okay," Mudpaw mewed softly resting a tail on Lillypaw's shoulder. "You'll get better. You heard the Starclan wolf, right? He believes in us. That has to count for something." Lillypaw nodded, but didn't look much happier. Brownpaw returned not long after, with the herbs for Lillypaw's leg. Once he was done giving her a check over Brownpaw left, probably looking for Jayfeather or something.

"I'm going to go see what's going on with Smokey." Mudpaw told her quickly leaving the den, feeling a little awkward. He spotted Jetpaw quickly, and bounded over to his grumpy den mate.

"What's happening?" Mudpaw asked him curiously, probably sounding a little too insistent.
"Mistystar has sent Smallflame, Greystripe and Jayfeather to go to Shadowclan with that kid. She doesn't want to make a decision without consulting Ravenstar first."
"That's fair." Mudpaw commented crisply. Jetpaw snorted.
"Ya think? I mean it wouldn't really be fair to send him back into the forest, but still! Can we really just let him back into the clans? He was a loner! How can we trust him?" Jetpaw asked seeming conflicted.
"I think it's best to give him a chance before we make assumptions like that." Mudpaw replied carefully.
"I guess." Jetpaw mumbled. "I'm gonna go see if there's any food. You coming?"
"No, thanks. I'm not hungry." Mudpaw replied not feeling like he could stomach food right now.
"Suit yourself." Jetpaw shrugged walking off the the fresh kill pile. Mudpaw let out a long sigh, not liking the uncertainty hanging over his head. Please Starclan, let Ravenstar make the right choice....

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