Chapter 4

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It had been a few days since Lillypaw's accident, and Mudpaw wasn't feeling much better about it. He was sat sister near the apprentices' den, sharing some fresh kill. Brownpaw had joined them too, trying to make sure the young apprentices weren't too worked up. The sun was beginning to set, and Mudpaw was exhausted after a long day of training and little sleep.

Mudpaw was startled when he heard an aggressive yowl from one of his clan mates. He turned quickly to see the dusk patrol heading back into camp. It took Mudpaw a figure out what the problem was. They were escorting a wolf and two cats Mudpaw didn't think he'd seen before.

"What is he doing here?" Sharpclaw growled, having been the one to yowl. Smallflame flicked his tail dismissively heading towards the centre of camp. The wolf seemed to ignore Sharpclaw's comment, however, one of his friends seemed quite angered by the comment. They exchanged some words quietly, his friend settling.

"Stay here," Smallflame commanded the three. "I'll get Mistystar." The Wolf rolled his eyes at Smallflame's passive-aggressive tone and gave his chest a quick lick.

"Wow," Silverpaw mewed her eyes shining with excitement. "I've never seen a wolf before!"
"I wonder why he's here though. And why are those two cats with him?" Mudpaw replied suspiciously.
"That's Wolfspark," Brownpaw murmured to the two. "He's Oceanclan's healer. The two cats over there are Riverripple and Eaglestrike, your uncle. I suppose you wouldn't remember then as your still quite young, but they went on a journey recently to the mountains. I don't remember why though." Brownpaw Replied sensing Silverpaw's questions.
"Huh," Mudpaw replied thinking over Brownpaw's words.
"Awesome!" Silverpaw Replied excitedly. She looked like she was about to bound over there, but was quickly stopped by Brownpaw.
"We can see them later, Silverpaw. Let's let Mistystar talk to them first." Silverpaw nodded looking a little defeated and Mudpaw couldn't help but chuckle at her sister's enthusiasm.

"Eaglestrike, Riverripple!" Mistystar greeted warmly, "how was your journey?"
"Good thank you Mistystar," Riverripple Replied dipping her head. "All is well with the tribes."
"Good," she purred turning her head to her head.
"Wolfspark," she greeted seeming a little less happy, "What brings you here with my warriors?" Wolfspark was about to open his mouth but was quickly interrupted by Riverripple.
"We ran into trouble at the Snowclan border, Mistystar. An Oceanclan patrol convinced them to back off. We stayed the night and in the morning, Wolfspark offered to accompany us back to our camp."
"And who are we to turn down good company?" Eaglestrike nudged Wolfspark playfully. A smile twitched on his face, and Mudpaw was more surprised when he spoke up for the first time since his arrival.

"We've been having territory issues," Wolfspark strained carefully, clearly not wanting to give too much away, "Bluemoon would've sent a full patrol of warriors which them, but with tensions so high she thought it best that a healer go with them. It sends a better message. The last thing we want is to start a fight with any of the clans, but unfortunately, there's not much we can do at the moment." The flicker of fear in Wolfspark's eyes vanished quickly and Mudpaw was impressed at how well he'd been keeping his cool.
"Very well," Mistystar dipped her head in thanks, "please send Bluemoon my thanks for ensuring my warrior's safety."
"Of course," Wolfspark Replied professionally.
"Would you like to stay the night here? It's getting late to head back alone." Mudpaw could Just about here Sharpclaw's Protest at the suggestion, but he was quickly quieted down.
"If it's not too much trouble I'd be happy to stay Mistystar."
"Very well." She turned facing the apprentices.

"Mudpaw, Silverpaw, would you mind fetching Wolfspark some bedding quickly?"
"Of course!" Silverpaw Replied springing up. "Come on Mudpaw!" She called bouncing off.
"Hey, wait!" Mudpaw called scrabbling after her. Brownpaw chuckled at the younger apprentices, heading over to the medicine den.

Once the two apprentices had returned they stopped in the clearing, having nearly interrupted the clan meeting. Mistystar was announcing the cats return, and had told everyone Wolfspark was staying the night. Silverpaw was surprised at the clans mixed reactions, but Mudpaw understood. This was a wolf from another clan who hardly showed off any emotions. Mudpaw would be lying if he said he wasn't even a little suspicious of the newcomer too!

After the meeting had finished, the pair picked up the moss they'd retrieved and padded into the medicine den.

"Oh yeah!" They heard Wolfspark said enthusiastically as they entered the den, "that stuff's great for large injuries, especially ones like that."
"What are you doing?" Silverpaw asked excitedly bounding up to Wolfspark, glancing down at a Lillypaw besides him.
"Wolfspark was showing us herb mix," Brownpaw replied carrying a bundle of herbs in his mouth. "He says it's good for large injuries like Lillypaw's."
"Wow!" Silverpaw mewed, "that's so cool! How did you know that?" Wolfspark chuckled.
"Well firstly, I'm Oceanclan's healer, and secondly my mentor Leaffall used it on me when I was hit on the Thunderpath.
"You were hit on the Thunderpath?" Silverpaw gasped.
"Yep," Wolfspark Replied gesturing loosely to his shoulder. There was a large scar there, much like the one Mudpaw presumed Lillypaw would end up with.

"Did you have to become a medicine cat?" Silverpaw asked looking a little concerned.
"No." Wolfspark shook his head, "I was already training to be one. I always wanted to just like my mother." Wolfspark chuckled fondly. He turned to face Lillypaw sympathetically. "I'm sure I could've still been a warrior had I wanted too. I just would've had to have worked a lot harder with my shoulder." Lillypaw nodded looking encouraged for the first time since her accident. Mudpaw smiled at friends happiness, forcing himself to fully relax. Perhaps Wolfspark wasn't so bad after all.

They chatted a little longer until Jayfeather kicked them out claiming he needed to sleep and so did they. Mudpaw found he was actually looking forward to training tomorrow, and sleep came to him easily.

Wattpad's still being an idiot haha.
Also the original draft for this sucks.
Also plains suck.

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