Chapter 14

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Mudpaw tripped on an uproot branch and let out a frustrated yowl. He looked around, panicking, as he quickly realised he had no idea where he was. He let out a huff, and stared angrily at his paw, as if that was going to fix it. As if that was going to fix anything. As if that was going to fix—

Mudpaw jumped suddenly whipping his head round. He was met by the the curiously concerned face of Wolfspark. He padded forward, almost cautiously.
"What are you doing here?"
Mudpaw scuffed the ground angrily, with his unhurt paw. "Nothing."
Wolfspark paused for a minuet before he stepped forward a little closer. "That looks saw." He commented.
"I tripped on a branch." He grumbled still staring at the floor.
"Hmm, you may have twisted it." Wolfspark informed him, "if you won't let me check then you oughta get Jayfeather too." Mudpaw didn't reply, suddenly feeling incredibly afraid. Wolfspark seemed to ponder over his next words for a moment.

"They'll be worried about you. All out here on your own."
Mudpaw shrugged. "I guess."
Wolfspark let out a sigh, "Mudpaw, What's wrong? You can't sit there and sulk all day. You can either talk to me, or go home and talk to Greystr—."
"Greystripe's dead!" Mudpaw suddenly snapped. "They killed him!" He chocked out finally breaking.
"Mousedung." Wolfspark cursed quietly. "I'm sorry Mudpaw, he was a good cat." Mudpaw nodded just numbly, now long trusting his voice.
"It's hard when you loose the ones you love." Wolfspark continued. "I lost my father a few moons ago, I wasn't particularly close with him either. He was from Snowclan so I hardly saw him, but I knew he loved me. They both love you too, more than you could ever know. I'm just fortunate my mother's still here for me. I don't know what I'd do without her." Wolfspark chuckled bitterly turning to face the sky. "You just have to remember they're up there in Starclan, watching over you, and one day you'll be able to see them again..."
Mudpaw sniffled and nodded again, still uncertain of himself.

"Come on." Wolfspark mewed warmly, "let's get you home. I can walk you to the border if you like."
"Please." Mudpaw blurted a little quickly, not wanting to be alone. Wolfspark Just nodded knowingly before turning back to Mudpaw.

"Go careful on that paw though, buddy. It looks sprained."
"Oh." Mudpaw said looking at his paw. The two where silent for a few minuets before Wolfspark broke the silence.

"You know, me and your father, and some of our other friends, used to sneak off the Four Trees when we where little?" He asked a small smile twitching a his face.
"Really?" Mudpaw asked facing the Oceanclan healer.
"Yep." Wolfspark smiled facing Mudpaw, "Mistystar and the other leaders were not happy."
Mudpaw chuckled a little remembering his own little trips to Four Trees. "I can imagine." He paused for a heartbeats before turning back to Wolfsprark.

"Why are you out hear anyway? Shouldn't you be like- doing healer stuff or something?"
Something akin to fear flashed in Wolfspark's eyes for a moment, but he quickly flashed a him a cheeky grin.
"Healer stuff it is then. If I come back with herbs, it'll be a valid excuse right? Littlepaw- my apprentice- is at home anyway so it's not like they're completely screwed." Wolfspark paused for a moment sniffing the air, whilst Mudpaw stared at him a little suspicious.
"Nothing you need worry about." He concluded once he was done.
"Sure..." Mudpaw Replied Kind of confused. The two continued.

Oh well, Mudpaw thought shaking his head, I'm sure Wolfspark's got whatever under control. He knows what he's doing. Right?

It wasn't long before pair reached the boarder, and Mudpaw was surprised to see Halfmoon and Brightflame out. Mudpaw cursed under his breath. Wolfspark was right, they where probably looking for him.

"I believe I have one of yours?" Wolfspark called to the warriors taking a seat on the edge of the border. Halfmoon turned quickly, relief clear in her expression.

"Mudpaw!" She cried rushing over. "Thank Starclan you're okay!" She wrapped a tail around him protectively.
"Don't scare us like that! We where all worried sick!" Brightflame exclaimed following after Halfmoon.
"Mostly." Wolfspark interrupted the reunion, almost awkwardly. " 'Looks like sprained his paw on an uprooted tree. He should go easy on it for a few days." Halfmoon looked up surprised, seemingly only just noticing Wolfspark. His eyes softened and he dipped his head respectfully.

"It's a shame about Greystripe, really. He was a fine warrior."
"Indeed." Halfmoon mewed dipping her head back to him. "Thank you for bringing Mudpaw back safely."
Wolfspark shook his head. "No, no. It's okay. I was out looking for herbs anyway, so a little divergence can't hurt too much."
"Still." Halfmoon argued, "it's important, and you didn't have to bring him back. You'll need a good stock for Leaf-bare."
"Yes, but it wasn't any trouble. Really. If I need to I can get Littlepaw to go out and fetch more."
Brightflame chuckled a little, finally deciding to pipe up again.

"You shouldn't bully your apprentice to make up for your incompetence."
"Ahh, he loves me really. Saying that though, I oughta get going. Rennpaw freaks out when I'm gone to long." Wolfspark laughed a little nervously. "Please, bring my best wishes to the clan, and make sure Mudpaw keeps off that paw."
"Of course. I send my best wishes to your clan too Wolfspark. Goodbye."

Halfmoon beckoned Mudpaw away and he muttered a quick 'thanks' to Wolfsoark. Brightflame hung back for a few moments, disgusing something with Wolfspark before she caught up with the pair. She had a cheeky grin plastered on her face. Halfmoon Just gave her look before she turned away.

Mudpaw let out a long sigh not sure what he was supposed to do. His siblings would be worried sick! He shouldn't have run off like that, but his father shouldn't have been killed either. Not only that, but Mudpaw had prophecy to fulfil too! He hung his head suddenly feeling very lonely, a heavy feeling hanging in his stomach... oh, Starclan! What was he going to do?

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