Chapter 15

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Wolfspark padded back to Oceanclan, a mouthful of catnip in his mouth. Halfmoon had been right, they did need herbs for Leafbare, and Wolfspark fully intended to ask Littlepaw to help him fetch some more. He pushed his way through the reeds and bushes backing camp before heading straight to the medicine den. He dropped the catnip in the herb store and lifted his head. Littlepaw must be outside, he thought as he wandered outside himself.

"Wolfspark!" His brother Greyfrost called a little harshly as he bounded over to him. "I was wondering when you'd come back. Did you find anything?" Wolfspark rolled his eyes at his brother's question. Not even a 'how are you?' Not surprising. Ever since he became deputy he'd been taking everything way too seriously!

"Yes, I found Catnip. We need more herbs for Leafbare." Wolfspark told him calmly but sarcasm still clear.
"You know what I mean Wolfspark. Come on, this is serious and you know that."
Wolfspark let out an exasperated sigh. "No. I did find Mudpaw though."
"Who?" Greyfrost asked narrowing his eyes half in confusion, half in accusation.
"You remember, Greystripe's kid."
"Well, yeah but— what was he doing out here?" Greyfrost questioned.
Wolfspark paused before dipping his head. "Greystripe's with Starclan now."
"Mousedung." Greyfrost cursed. "That's a shame. He would've made a fine leader. He was good cat."
Wolfspark Just nodded in agreement, before the two lapsed into silence for a few moments.

"D-do you think it was Snowclan?"
"Most likely."
Greyfrost nodded frustrated. "We need to sort this out Wolfspark. And you really didn't find anything? Have you heard anything from Starclan?"
Wolfspark shook his head. "No, you know I'd tell you if I did."
Greyfrost sighed standing up. "Alright, I'm gonna organise boarder patrol."
"Bye." Wolfspark mumbled as his brother padded away. He was about to reignite his search for Littlepaw when he was once again interrupted.

"Wokfspark! Wolfspark!" Rennpaw skidded to a halt just in front of him looking very excited. Wolfspark smiled down at his little sister.
"Hey. How was training?"
"Great!" Rennpaw exclaimed. "Sunnysong's been teaching me and Moonpaw new battle moves!"
"Great, I look forward to getting pummelled by my own sister." Wolfspark joked.
"Yeah! You just try me Wolfspark! I'll pummel you!" Wolfspark chuckled before he looked up from Rennpaw.

"Oh! There's Littlepaw."
"Are you going out again?"
"Yeah." Wolfspark nodded. "We need more herbs before Leaf-bare."
"Can I come with you?" She asked.
"Go ask Greyfrost." He told her, "I'll see you back in the den."
"Okay!" She bounded up quickly rushing over to Greyfrost. Wolfspark smiled as he padded back to the den. Maybe things weren't so bad.

"Littlepaw." He called poking his head in the den.
"Oh hey Wolfspark. I was just checking the elders. Goldenflower has a few ticks but I think I got them all."
"Good," Wolfspark smiled at his apprentice warmly. "What would I do without you to help around clan. I swear nothing would get done. Rennpaw wants to help us stock up the store for Leafbare."
"Oh, cool!" He said padding over to Wolfspark. "What do we need?"
"Hmm, well I just got some catnip but we could probably use some more, especially if this is gonna be a bad Leafbare."
"Are you sure you don't just want to eat it?" Littlepaw snickered.
"No, I was actually planning to eat out whole store, Littlepaw." Wolfspark deadpanned. "We could probably do with some more yarrow, juniper berries, lavender, the normal stuff."
Littlepaw snorted shaking his head as Rennpaw padded through the den.

"Greyfrost said I can come!"
"Great." Wolfspark announced happily, "let's go. Greyfrost'll get cranky if where out too late."
Rennpaw snorted at the comment as she and Littlepaw followed Wolfspark out of the den.

They headed outside of camp and Wolfspark slowed to instruct the apprentices.

"I'll head down to the stream to grab the lavender and yarrow, Littlepaw, you take Rennpaw down to the cliffside to grab some Juniper Berries."
"Alright." Littlepaw smiled nodding as he veered off in the opposite direction. "Come on Rennpaw."
"Coming!" She cried rushing after Littlepaw. The two padded in silence for a few minuets until Littlepaw spoke up.

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