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Back in the dance class room all the students are mingling or stretching, except one.


She again is sat in the corner on her phone with her hood up and it is not coming down, that is well, what she thought would happen.

Instead a small precious Chubby cheeked boy decided to waltz on in the classroom and plop in front of Jess smiling away before pulling her hood down and taking away her phone.

"Today I have decided I want you to be my friend." He begins full of confidence.

Jess only shakes her head and sighs, "Do I not get a say in this?"


He giggles before giving her phone back and dragging her over to where ms Danner is organising everyone else.

"Okay, so I have some important news and that is that all of you have made it into the school scholarship competition, In this you'll have to work in pairs so I'm going to pair you all. Now. I know this isn't fair but I'm pairing you all on your skills of dancing alright?" Ms Danner announced before clapping her hands and calling two names out first.

Jess just flops back knowing that there is no one to pair her with since she's never danced in this class at all.

"Jimin and Jessica"

Jimin smiles brightly his eyes turning into crescents as he does so and Jessica's eyes only widen and give her teacher a glare.

Jessica listens to the mumbles of the other class members, especially the hurtful ones.

"She doesn't even dance. Poor jimins going to loose."

"What a stupid pairing Jimin should have been with me at least I know how to dance."

Jimin only scowls around the classroom and grabs Jessica's arm and helping her stand up, "we're going to be the best dance pair. Trust me." He glares into her eyes.

Jess only shrugs trying to hide the fact that she's completely terrified and enraged at her teacher.

"Okay class dismissed you can use the other practice rooms to discuss your plans okay?" Ms Danner  happily cheers while walking over to Jimin and Jess.

Jess turns to look up to her teacher, "why did you do this..." Jess hangs her head low.

"Because I want you to remember yourself. The Jessica I know." She speaks up before walking out of the room smiling before saying good bye to Jimin.

Jimin just goes on his phone and looks up good dance music, "so do your want to pick a slow dance of fast dance? Also do you have a certain style of dance you like?" He ask innocently.

"I can't dance." She bluntly calls out.

"Sure you can! You just move with your body!" His crescent eyes shimmer as he smiles with excitement.

"I can't and I won't." She repeats bluntly.

"Why not?" He questions puzzled by this girl.

"I-...I'm afraid of dancing." She shamefully says before storming out of the room leaving Jimin all floppy with wide eyes and hanging jaw.

"...a-afraid?" He questions himself.

Jess snuggles into her bed in her dorm room, flicking on her fairy lights and wrapping herself like a sausage roll in her duvet.

She closes her eyes right and lets sleep take over her, hoping that on her dreams she won't be afraid to dance.

She tosses and turns in her sleep only to be shaken up when she wakes up frantically from another nightmare, she sighs before crawling out of bed and grabbing her phone, who should she text? She has no friends...

Well there is Jimin but he can't be awake now right? Plus he probably doesn't even want to be friends.

Jess shrugs and gives it a go anyways.

Jessjess : Hey, I'm sorry for bothering you so late but I wanted to apologise for being so salty..I'm not really like that and I hope you could reconsider being my friend...?

She sighs and is about to put her phone back down again only to feel is shake in her hands.

Jiminie : of course I'd love to be your friend. Don't worry about it, I understand now why you don't dance.

When Jimin got back to his dorm room he instantly got his lap top and did research on the fear of dance, looking for ways to solve it and why it's caused he only felt saddened when he read about its formed by. An unpleasant experience.

Jiminie : ...would you maybe consider dancing with me, even if your afraid?...I think you would be a really good dancer Jess.

Jessica's eyes widen at his request, she begins to shake before thinking about her answer, she gains the confidence to type three letters.

Jessjess : Yes

Jiminie : really!? Oh wow! Okay I'll make sure to make it really fun!!

Jess smiles at his cuteness on his texts and not stopping the little soft pounds her heart makes.

Jimin smiles warmly at his phone before sighing with happiness, 'I can't wait to dance with her!' He squeals.

"Jimin! Keep it down I'm trying to sleep." A cold scold comes from the top bunk.

"Sorry Yoongi!" Jimin smiles before snuggling back into bed, filling with excitement and happiness knowing he'll get to dance with the girl he's always admired.

Jess slumps on her bed looking at the phone in horror, why did she agree to this?! She runs her hands through her hair before standing up abruptly and rushing into the bathroom.

Turning on the shower hoping that the hot water might help calm down her sudden attack.

It didn't help, Jess only ponders around her room, her mind filling up with the laughs and words of the other classmates.

Her head filling up with the horrible memory that haunts her to this day.

A memory of the beginnings of her fear, filling up with hurt and pain she collapses on the floor in a crying mess holding her heart as it aches in pain.

She has to get over this and she can only do that is by facing her biggest fear.



Chapter 2 end!

Hope your liking the plot so far! If you've come from my other books welcome I'm sure you know I like to write angst but I'm trying to keep away from it in this book, maybe.

Comment and vote!! See you in the next chapter!

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