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"Why do cows have hooves and not feet?" A loud voice calls out in anticipation.

"I don't know jin..." a tired and worn out voice mimicked following on for the joke.

"Because they lactose!" Jess and Jimin make their way closer as a windshield wiper like laugh screams out in joy.

"Hey Guys." Jimin smile while stepping into the room Jess awkwardly following him.

"JIMINIE CRICKET IS HERE!" A happy and giggly voice calls out and Jess just watches her friend disappear into someone's arms.

"HOSEOK! LET THE SMOL ONE BrEaTh!" Another boy shouts out tugging away the sunshine, this boy has a coconut shaped hair cut, which only he could probably pull off and a cute bunny like smile.

"Thank you," Jimin shakily thanks the taller boy before tugging Jess into the room too, "everyone this is Jessica! She is my dancing partner." Jimin announces toward the boys in the room.

"Is she single?" The once tired voice now sounding perky loudly asks. Before the person who belongs to that voice stands in front of her.

"Hello, my name is Yoongi, you can call me Yoongles." He shyly smiles introducing himself to Jessica.

Jess only nods and smiles slightly to the tall-ish boy.

"OoOo~ dancing partner!" A cheerful cry beams out from Hoseok, "what style of dance do you prefer? Contemporary, jazz, modern jazz, hip hop, pop and locking?" He quickly lists a bunch of styles confusing Jess making her head spin at how spontaneous he is.

"I er...contemporary..." she mumble quietly.

Jimin nods and smiles, "Okay what are you all up too?" Jimin ask's while walking over to a hot pink bean bag and slouching into it.

"Jimin don't sit on that you'll disappear into it your so small!" Jin exclaims with his windshield wiper laugh.

Jess can't help but laugh at the statement too but not only that but the screeching laugh that echoed from the blonde haired boy.

He looks very handsome.

"So jessica, what do you do in your spare time?" Jin ask's walking her over toward a couch next to some counters with a coffee machine on and microwave.

This room is like some meeting room where friends would just go and chill out it's filled with brightly coloured bean bags and it's pitch black walls contrast with the white wooden floors.

Jess ponders for a while before answering the orders question, "I read a lot, but mostly talk to my friends back in England." She hums.

"Oh your English!" Jin exclaims smiling a little more brightly, "I know someone who can speak fluent English!" He grins proudly.

"We all do jin," Yoongi snickers while sipping his coffee.

Jimin kindly smiles at Jess from across the room before drawing his attention back to the bickering finger boy sat next to him.

"Do you have any family Jessica?" Jungkook ask's while joining them on the sofa.

"I have a twin sister, she's alright I Geuss..." Jess hums before looking down into her lap, "I miss her from time to time. She's still in England."

"Wow, so your just here alone?" Jungkook ask's a little dumbfounded.

"Yeah, my teacher paid for me to dance at this school..." she informs while twiddling her thumbs.

"Oh so just like our Jiminie!" Hoseok laughs.

"What like me?" Jimin ask's a little puzzled as he wasn't listening to the conversation.

"Jess's teacher has paid for her entry into this school isn't that so cool! Your teacher must have a lot of faith in you!" Hoseok smiles warmly, but Jess only fills with guilt.

"" her mood suddenly drops into the melancholy stare as she slowly becomes a little life less in the chair.

"Okay! Well me and Jess have things to do places to see! Shame she couldn't meet everyone else! Bye!" Jimin laughs while dragging her out of the room holding her hand tightly.

"How about we handle out in my dorm room? We can watch movies!" Jimin hums cutely before opening a door to a spacious room with a bunk bed to the right with navy curtains dropping from the top bunk, along with two dressers and one big wardrobe to the right of the beds, then in the corner sits a selection of inviting chairs and a huge tv placed on a stand like some kind of trophy.

"Here's mine and Yoongi's room! You go sit down on a chair and pick a film," Jimin smiles at Jess before rotting of toward and small white fridge under the bottom bunk.

"Um...where are the films?" Jess ponders.

"Second draw to the left!" Jimin giggles before flicking on the kettle and dropping a bunch of snacks, sweets and fizzy drinks onto the fluffy rug in front of the chairs.

Jess takes a look in the draw and notices how neat and beautiful each other DVD's are layer out and then she spots the one film that could always make her happy.

"Can we watch howls moving castle Jimin?" She ask's while taking out the dvd.

"Of course we can!" Jimin smiles while bringing over two warm drinks of tea and then perch on the comfy bean bag.

Jess quickly begins the film before joining Jimin and sitting down on A seperate bean bag.

"Thankyou Jimin for trying to cheer me up.." Jess smiles kindly, "it was nice meeting your friends."

Jimin smiles and giggles making his eyes disappear and be replaced by little crescents.
"I like to see you happy, so don't worry about it!"

Right then, right there Jess felt her heart beat more than it ever has before any other boy, her eyes widen as she feels her heart begin to pound loudly.

'I like to see you happy'

He likes to make her happy?
Jess begins to question herself, now not focusing on the film but on Jimin, how his words just made a powerful impact on her heart.

She just stares in his direction a little shocked at how he could have said that so easily.

Did he mean that?

Why does he like to see me happy?

What's this supposed to mean?

Her head then comes to a conclusion.

Does she have a crush on Park Jimin?


Ah I love this book it's so wholesome and cute, and I will let you all now this is going to be a cute short read but a brilliant book that I will definitely try my best at in writing!

I hope you all love that character Jess! And I will describe her in a few chapters.

Also do you all wanna try a Geuss Jessica's sisters name?

Hope to see you in the next chapter!

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