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Jimin is on the dance room, sitting on the floor silently hoping she might turn up this time, it's been 3 days and she hasn't turned up at all.

"Jimin?" A voice calls out he looks up to the voice but only finds miss Danner opening the door her brows furrowed in sadness.

"Jimin..are you alright?" She asks.

He only shakes his head and gets up slowly, "I'm not going to be in class today..." he mumbles.

"Ah wait just right there. Where my little happy Jiminie at hm? What happened..?" She ask with concern.

"Jess has Chorophobia.." he mumbles with his head down.

"Ah....yes she does.." miss baker sighs.

"Do you know why?" He raises his head full of hope.

"It's not really my place to say Jiminie.." she sighs, "however..Jess did go through something really horrible.." she admits.

Jimin eyes widen and his mouth opens in shock.

"What was it!?" He gasps.

"Again I can't say.." miss Danner admits.

"Are you like a family friend of Jessica's?"  Jimin now intrigued begins to ask his teacher.

"Ah yes, I'm her mother's best friend I've know jess ever since she was born. Her dad really wanted her to come here, to help her." Explains ms Danner as she drops her bad and files onto the floor.

Jimin sigh and nods, "Okay..well I'm going to go find her..she hasn't turned up in a while.." he sighs before leaving the room.

"If only I could tell you Jiminie..." miss Danner sighs before unpacking her things for the next class.

Jimin skips up the stairs of the girls dorm and smiles at the passing girls heading towards Jessica's room.

Each girl swoons or giggles as he passes, he just smiles back and keeps looking for her room.

"Number 45..."

"Number 46..."


He gets a little excited and kicks on the door a little louder than he should have done.

Flinging open the door Jess stands there with bags under her eyes and her eyes red from what seems like crying and in her pyjamas still.

"H-hi Jess.." he smiles.

"O-oh j-Jimin hi!..." she awkwardly greets, cursing at herself inside.

"Can I come in?" He tilts his head asking the girl.

"U-um..I don't know.." she admits.

"I brought food! A-and a bear.." he mumbles as he holds up both the little teddy bear and take out bag of Mac Donald's.

Jess just smiles warmly and steps aside from the door, "come on in.." she sniffles.

Jimin makes his way into the room and looks around.

"Are you alone?" He asks as he glances around the room.

"At the moment I am, my room mate never liked me so she moved out." Jess states before sitting down on the bean bag and munching on the chips.

Jimin sits on the other bean bag and watcher her eat smiling, "you must've been hungry huh.." He giggles.

Jessica's face goes bright red and she looks down before angrily munching on her chips.

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