chapter 45

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I woke up it was 11:29pm. Lucas was still sleeping. I looked at him and smile. As I was getting off the bed Lucas woke up n asked where am I going. I told him to take a shower. I took my shower. I changed into a spandex and one of Lucas huge sweatshirt and went back to bed with Lucas. We cuddled and fell asleep back together.
"Mercedessssss" someone was yelling.
I quickly woke up.
"Mercedessssss" I hear Shawn yelling.
"Whattttttttt?" I yelled.
"Come here" he yelled.
Lucas was now awake. He looked at me and was smiling. "Why u smiling?" I asked.
"Cause you look so damn beautiful" he said.
I blushed. "Mmmmm really" I said laughing.
"Yes babygirl 🍒" he said.
"Mercedessssss" Shawn yelled.
"Wait lemme see what Shawn wants" I said.
"Shawnnnnnnnn" I yelled while walking down the stairs
"What you want?" I asked.
"You" he said smirking 😏😂😂
"You can't have this " I said 😂😂
" I have to ask you something" Shawn said.
"My parents are having this dinner thing and the insisted I bring you bc of all the rumors they hear" he heard.
"Awwwwwww sure Shawn. When is it?" I asked.
"Tonight. Wear something fancy" Shawn said.
Lucas was walking down the stairs and saw me and smile.
He came behind me and hugged me. "What if we go on a date tonight?" Lucas said.
"I can't Lucas. I already told Shawn I would go to this dinner thing with his parents. I'm sorry" I said.
He turned me over and kissed me.
"Let's go eat now" Lucas said.
",Yayyyyyyy" I screamed. I put on  a sweatpants and ran to him.
He got his keys and we was on the way to KFC. He placed his hand on my leg. He smiled and so did I. "Mercedes I really like you and I really want us to be together but I understand you have a lot going on. "Lucas said.
"Lucas I'm crazy about you. You would never understand how much I love you. I want to be with you too. But ion think you would wanna be with me after the baby comes 🙃." I said.
He pulled in the driveway to KFC. He grabbed my face and kiss me😘. He grabbed my hand and we walked inside. We order and took a couple of pictures. "So u finna be mine soon? " Lucas asked.
"Ion know lets see"I said smirking.
We heard the door opened both me and Lucas looked at it. To our surprise it was Carter with some girl.
He walked towards us. "Mercedes u have a photoshoot tomorrow 9-12 and then a meet and greet at 1-6" he said and looked at Lucas n then looked at me n rolled his eyes. He walked away.
"Can we get out of here?" I asked.
"Sure babygirl" he said.
We got into the car. And we play music loud asf. We got home. It was now 4:30 so I decided to get ready for the dinner. I shower and changed

It was now 5:45. So I decided to  go downstairs and wait. Lucas was sitting on the couch. He looked at me and grab me and kiss me slowly. "damn you look hella beautiful" Lucas said. I giggled.
There was a knock on the door. I opened the door to my surprise in was Shawn he was dressed in a lovely well-fited suit. He look handsome as always. He kissed my cheek and asked if I was ready to go. I nodded my head and wave goodbye to lucas. Before I could leave Lucas grab my waist and spin me around and kisses my lips. After a couple of minutes he released my lips and smiled "be safe baby girl" Lucas said. "I will " I replied. I walked out the door with Shawn beside and I got into the car and we drove off. "So you and Lucas?" Shawn asked.
"I guess" I replied.
The rest of the trip to Shawn house was quiet. We finally got to Shawn parents house we walked in and I was instantly greeted with smiles and hugs by Shawn parents. They introduced themselves and so did I.
A young girl walked down the stairs and yelled "shawnnnnnnnn" and jump on top of him. I giggled. The girl calm down and looked at me n said"hi it's nice to meet I've heard lots about you. I'm Aaliyah and you must be Mercedes right"
" Yeah I'm Mercedes it's very nice to meet you aaliyah." I said and smiled widely.
Everyone was sitting at the table now getting ready to eat. Shawn's mom cooked steak with mashed potatoes. Everyone began to eat. Shawn was sitting beside me. "So Mercedes what do you do for a living" Shawn mom asked.
"I'm a model" I stated.
"How long have you modeling" Shawn dad asked.
"I've been modeling since I was 2 years old with my mom but professional started modeling when I was 13" I said smiling.
"What do your parents do for a living?" Shawn mom asked.
My smile dropped. "Mom" Shawn scolded.
"No Shawn it's okay" I said.
"My parents died when I was younger. My mom was a professional model before she got sick and I don't know what my dad really did because I didn't want to know because I felt like his job was to abuse me n my mom" I said coldly with tears in my eyes.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know" Shawn mom said.
"Excuse me. I'm sorry" I said and got off the table. I walked outside.
"Mercedessssss" shawn yelled while running behind me. He finally caught up to me and grab me into a hug. "I'm sorry. This is my fault. If you wanna go home. I can take you home"Shawn whispered in my ears.
"No Shawn let's finished dinner"I said.
He looked at me and smiled then kiss my forehead. I giggled. He held my hand and we walk inside. "So Ms. And Mr. Mendes what do you do for a living" I asked.
"Well before Shawn became famous I use to be a teacher and my husband was a traveling agent" Shawn mom spoke.
1 hour later we have finished eating. And I was now helping Shawn mom with the dishes. "So what's going on between you and Shawn" Ms. Mendes asked
" Nothing tbh. We just really close friend. At the start we we're more than friends but it just didn't work out. Whosoever end up with him is really lucky tho " I said.
"Why is that" Shawn asked.
"So you was eavesdropping" I said giggling.
" Yes I was" he said.
He grab me an throw me over his shoulder.
"Shawnnnnnnnn put me downn" I yelled laughingly.
"If I put you down u owe me a kiss" Shawn said.
"Fine" I said laughing.
He put me down and grab my face but I grab his hands and remove it from my face and Stand on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek.
He place his hand on the back of my neck and kissed my forehead.
"Awwwww my brother is growing up so fast" Aaliyah yelled.
I placed my head on his chest and giggled and blushed. Shawn hugged me and laughed. "Shawn we should head home"I said.
"She's right Shawn it's getting dark" his father agreed with me.
I hugged them all goodbye and we head home.
" My mom really likes you and it's funny cause she don't like anyone I bring to dinner" Shawn said.
"That's good" I said and smiled.
I was finally home I waved goodbye and walked straight to my room and slept.

Welcome To My Life💯जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें