Chapter Nine: Non-Quirk Combat Training Pt. 2

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       Shindo lands another punch to my gut, forcing air and spit out of my mouth as I fall to the ground for the fifth time today. Coughs rip out of my throat as I double over with my arms gripping my stomach.

       "L/N!" Vlad King yells. "What's with you today? Get your head in the game!"

"Sorry," I choke and wipe the saliva from my chin.

Shindo extends his hand and helps me back to my feet. We've been going over everything we learned yesterday, but it's been more like a personal beat down by Yo. I just can't get my mind off the letter and the shadow.

"Alright," Mr. Aizawa says. "We are going to put you in your groups and start working on feeling when your Quirk has been nullified." He goes down a list.

Bakugo and Midoriya are grouped with Shindo and myself. Our group is given an additional bracelet and remote set since I'm already well versed in feeling the absence of power.

       I'm manning each of the controls for the boys. Switching between them while they sit in meditation and keeping track of whether or not they guess correctly. So far Deku has guessed correctly four times out of nine. Bakugo has guessed correctly four times out of nine. Shindo has guessed seven times correctly out of nine.

       "For me it always feel like my blood stands still or like I've got goosebumps," I tell them, hoping I can help them in some way.

"Break for lunch!" Mr. Aizawa shouts, already one foot out the door.

Bakugo takes my arm before Shindo has a chance to open his mouth. He drags me to where Kirishima and Kaminari stand talking to Sero and Mina.

"You're joining us today, Y/N?" Kiri smiles from cheek to cheek.

       I smile and nod my head. Bakugo has a scowl consuming his features. Even though he's let go of me, the back of his hand brushes against mine.

       We walk behind the others on the way to the cafeteria.

       "Katsuki, what's up? You seem like something's bothering you." I keep my voice low so the others don't listen.

       "I'm fine. What are you my mom?" He snaps. If I didn't know any better I would say his bark was worse than his bite, but I've seen the way he spars with Midoriya.

        I put my hands up and bite my tongue. Best not to poke and prod right now. I move forward and walk alongside Kirishima with the hopes that if I give Bakugo some space he'll talk to me about it later. I only hear a bit of their conversation before I feel myself being pulled back to Bakugo's side.

       "What's with you today?" He growls. "You just let that smiling bastard beat the shit of you over and over again. Did you lie to me this morning? I asked if you were okay and you said you were. Or are you more worried about what happened last night than you're letting on?"

I don't know why, but I don't want to tell him about the shadow coming back in the middle of the night. I got up to go to bathroom and saw someone watching from the tree line again. Whoever it was even waved at me. I didn't sleep the rest of the night. The only reason I'm still on my feet is the four cups of coffee I downed before breakfast and the two I had during.

"Y/N," the gruff boy says. "You can talk to me."

I smile small. "Thanks. It's nothing though, just had a rough night of sleep."

"So it did bother you," he sighs.

"That's not it," I lie through my teeth. He gives me a knowing nod. I guess having my parents die is enough for people to assume that's what causes my "off" days and rough nights.

Kirishima pulls back and walks on my other side. "You good? I mean after last night."

"Yeah." It hurts my heart lying to them. They've shown nothing but kindness and even though it's only been a few days since I met them they've accepted me and they don't force me to open up about anything.

They don't ask about it anymore throughout lunch, but instead they carry on conversation like normal. Kaminari talks about how much he wants to ask Ibara out even though she's given him no sign of interest. Sero and Mina play with their food more than they eat it and complain about how they haven't been able to feel anything when it comes to their Quirks being nullified. I chime in here and there, offering them the same advice I gave the boys in my group.

After lunch I sit down with my group, fully prepared to continue on like earlier, but I feel a tap on my shoulder. I meet All Might's sunken face.

"Your uncle wants you," he smiles. "I'm taking over here."

I hand him each control, keeping quiet of which control belongs to each boy. He's got it figured out and I head over to where my uncle stands, arms folded in front of his chest.

"I was watching you fight earlier today," he says deadpan. "Is there anything you would like to talk about?"

I shake my head. I can't tell him. I won't.

"Good, then get ready." He takes up a fighting stance.

Before I have time to react he's already charging at me. In one swift movement he has me pinned to the ground, hand loosely against my throat. On the way down my head snapped back, hitting the concrete before my back. Stars swim in my vision.

"Are you sure there's nothing you want to talk about?" He asks through his teeth.

I feel my eyes roll to the back of my head and my consciousness slip away.

~Third Person Point of View~

"Bakugo," Mr. Aizawa yells.

The blond boy stands, removing his bracelets and handing them to All Might when he walks by him. He rubs his wrists and scowls at the students that dare to look at him as he passes them.

"Yes sir," he says, looking the stone faced man in the eyes.

"You've been hanging out with Y/N a lot recently," the scowling man points out. "Tell me, has anything happened to her the last couple days? Anything that would shake her up or make her lose focus?"

Bakugo looks at the girl passed out on the ground. He shakes his head. "No. Nothing that I can think of."

Aizawa doesn't look convinced, but sends the boy back to training. Scooping his niece up he walks back to the dorms, placing her in her room, letting her rest.

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