Chapter Twelve: Lunch

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Eleven groups go before lunch. I'm surprised with how much everyone has improved since we first started this training week. The teachers have hinted that if everyone's fights go as well as the ones we've watched then we might have to carry over into the weekend.

Everyone starts to make their way to the cafeteria. Katsuki and I follow behind everyone still hand-in-hand. We grab two sandwiches, a bottle of soda and a bottle of barley tea then we head outside.

       Bakugo carries our food and drinks to the bench I'm starting to consider to be our spot. He sits down and his leg starts to bounce up and down.

       I sit next to him and unwrap my sandwich. I struggle getting the lid off my tea, thankfully he notices and takes it off in one fell swoop.

       "Look, Y/N, I'm not good with feelings." He hasn't touched his food or his soda yet. His hands are fidgety and his leg hasn't stopped shaking.

       I reach over and touch his wrist and he slowly relaxes.

       "I like you, Bakugo." My face heats up and my brain and mouth are no longer communicating. "I came here because my parents died. I wasn't in a good place. I had a break down and there were times I even questioned if I should keep doing this. If being a hero was worth it. I might not have those answers yet, but you have helped me in more ways than I can't even put into words. Spending time with you and being around you feels so normal and I never thought my life would feel normal again."

       His hands cup my face and he brings his lips softly to mine instantly shutting me up. He pulls away and wipes a tear from my face.

       "You stole my line," Katsuki whispers. "Y/N, go out with me."

       I can't help but laugh. As direct and abrasive as ever. "I'd really like that."

       Our foreheads are still together so now it's my turn to initiate the kiss. It doesn't last for long because there are whoops and hollers from near the cafeteria doors.

       We both turn around and the familiar heads of Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Mina and some of our other classmates. Seeing them makes me laugh but Bakugo starts smoking at his fingertips.

"Kirishima you lying bastard!" He stands up and sends little explosions from the palms of hands.

The whole scene makes my stomach hurt and my cheeks sore from smiling so much. I'm doubled over, clutching my sides trying to suppress my laughter. This whole scene started cute and romantic and now here we are.

We collect our barely eaten lunch and head towards our classmates. Being the gentleman everyone is shocked to see, Bakugo carries our food and my school bag.

Mina gives me a look that can only be interpreted as "girl talk later" and it's clear to me that there is no getting out of it.

Inside of the bustling cafeteria we take a seat at the usual table. Katsuki scoots his chair closer to me and rests his hand on my knee under the table. Even through the thick fabric of our gym uniforms I can feel every time his hand twitches and it causes my stomach to do an acrobatic routine.

Lunch ends and we walk together back to the training grounds. He insisted on carrying my bag and holding my hand, gripping it tighter when we walk past my uncle. Uncle Ai gives us a sideways look and I can tell he's wondering whether or not he should address it later. He whispers something to Present Mic that all the other teachers overhear and suddenly their faces remind me of the poster you typically find in a doctors office asking children to rate their level of pain. Joke would be no pain. All Might would be slight pain. Present Mic would be mild pain. My uncle would be definitely pained. Vlad King, well his face always looks like he's in excruciating pain so I don't really consider his face to be a reaction.

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