Chapter Thirty: Capture the Flag Pt. 3

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**Sorry it's a bit long. I didn't want to cut corners.

~ Third Person Point of View ~

Parent's and Teacher's Observation Deck

"All of the students have improved leaps and bounds since the sports festival," Mr. Aizawa says, tone never changing. "Not just in measure of their Quirks but their ability to adapt and think for themselves as well as work in a group."

       "Eraserhead," a gruff, angry voice calls out. "I would like to talk to you in private for a moment."

       The black-haired teacher walks over to the new number one hero who leads him to a quiet corner. "What would you like to speak about, Endeavor?"

       "I want to know why my son failed the provisional licensing exam? Don't you think that speaks volumes to your merit as a teacher?" The flames he coats himself in flare ever-so slightly.

       I don't get paid enough to deal with this. "Shoto did not obtain his provisional license due to his inability to cooperate during the staged villain attack in the second round of the test. I believe a lot of what held him back was his pride to distance himself from your shadow, however, that's just speculation. He and a student from Shiketsu were unable to synchronize their attacks against Gang Orca. Their failure to work together cost them both their licenses. They will have a chance to obtain their licenses by taking extra courses beginning next month. I believe they both learned a valuable lesson. Your son was not the only one who did not obtain their provisional license the first time around. The other student was also fighting a battle with his pesky pride."

Endeavor's nostrils flare and he does his best to keep his voice down. "Wouldn't that mean you failed my son, Eraserhead? Shouldn't you have taught him how to work in a team? The fact that there was a second student in your class who failed just adds onto the fact that I don't believe you are fit to be teaching here at UA."

"That's not a lesson easily taught in a classroom," the teacher allows his annoyance to slip out through his tone. "You of all people should know that. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for the game to begin. Keep a close eye on your son, you just might learn something from him."

       Shota makes his way over to where Hizashi is standing. The back of his hand brushes against the blond's fingertips. "I hope you're all prepared," he says into the PA mic. "Your one hour starts in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two..."

Red Team: Kirishima and Y/N

~ Reader's Point of View ~

       "One!" Uncle Ai's voice echoes through the open air.

       "Let's do this!" My partner smiles, the points of his teeth fully on display.

Kirishima and I take a sharp right the moment we step out of the Ground Gamma gates, heading toward Ground Beta for the yellow flag. Todoroki and Shoji turn the opposite direction for the Tournament Arena. After the two minute announcement earlier, we decided to go after the flags in the closer locations separately and meet at the Green Team's base. Whether we get our hands on our targeted flag or have a showdown with another team somewhere along the way is all being left to chance.

       Eijiro suddenly stops running and grabs my wrist, pulling me behind a conveniently placed bush. He holds his finger to his lips before pointing through the foliage.

My eyes trail over to where he's pointing. I see Kaminari and Bakugo walking side-by-side. Katsuki looks irritated while the yellow-haired boy talks animatedly waving his hands around.

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