Chapter Thirty-Three: Parent's Weekend Pt. 3

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The aroma of seafood paella dances in the air and finally my classmates give Katsuki and I a moment to breathe. However, that moment is quickly squashed when Mitsuki and Inko come rushing towards us.

Mitsuki raises her hand and Bakugo braces for impact, but the edge of her hand gently comes down on top of my head. "That was reckless but I'm glad you're okay. It's a good thing my little Katsuki was there to save the day." She ruffles his hair and he grumbles in annoyance.

"Please don't do anything like that again," Inko cries. "Having one reckless child to worry about is enough. My heart can't take anymore."

       My breath hitches in my throat. They were really worried for me. Everything they're saying sounds like things my mom would be saying if she were here. Tears threaten to spill over my eyes but I've done enough crying. Instead, I just squeeze Bakugo's hand and he returns the gesture.

       "I'm sure you got lectured enough," Mrs. Bakugo smiles. "Come on, let's eat. You both need to get something in your system to get your strength back."

       We make our way over to the table where Midoriya, Ochako and her family, and Mr. Bakugo are waiting. Plates of steaming paella are waiting and there are multiple pitchers filled with various drinks on the table.

       I end up sitting between Katsuki and his mother. Deku and Inko are right across from me, sitting near Uraraka and her parents. I can't help but notice the way the green-haired boy's mother stares at the scars on her sons hand and then back at me.

       I wipe my mouth with a napkin and place my utensils on the edge of my plate. "Hey, Deku, sorry if this is the wrong time to ask, but how did you get those scars?"

       He stops eating and looks down at his hands. "I overused my Quirk and my body couldn't handle my power. You've really only see me use my legs in combat training and well, that's because I can't afford to injure my arms any more."

       Now I understand why she was so worried about me. I decide not to press the conversation further.

As the voices swirl around us, Bakugo drops his hand under the table and rests it on my thigh. His fingers dance over my skin and under my skirt, inching higher with every passing second.

       Really? I mentally scold him. First he did this in the cafeteria a few days ago and now he's trying the same thing while I'm sitting next to his mother!? Not to mention my uncles are in the same room and so the rest of the class and their parents.

His fingers play with the lace-trim lining of my underwear and suddenly I can't take it anymore. I jump up and garner stares from all those near me.

"Sorry," I bow my head. "I just need to run to the bathroom."

Bakugo gives me his infamous shit-eating grin.

Once in the bathroom, away from my sadistic boyfriend, I meet my reflection. My face is pink and even I can see how labored my breathing is. Not to mention, there's a throbbing sensation...

"Hey, are you okay?" I hear Bakugo ask from outside the entrance.

My stomach drops and the lingering heat from his touch starts to burn bright once again. I turn on my heels and make my way to where he's waiting, confidence apparent in his smirk.

I grab onto his uniform tie— dinner started the moment we got back from the nurse's office and we haven't had time to change— and pull him into me. Smashing my mouth against his, out of sight of the dining room, I let him press me against the wall. His hand falls beneath the fabric of my skirt once again but this time, I don't stop him. Every light stroke makes me moan softly against his kiss.

He pulls his lips from mine, foreheads still touching. "You make such cute sounds. I can't wait to hear you later tonight." His lips move down to my neck, eliciting more "cute sounds" from me.

My heart skips a beat. "I'll let you do whatever you want tonight," my voice is full of breath. "But until then, we have to keep things PG."

"What ever do you mean?" He teases as he nips at my collarbone. His handiwork between my thighs gets rougher and I find myself having to bite my lip to keep quiet.

I drop my hand down and grab his wrist, slowing his pace, trying to remove his hand completely. "This... control yourself... just for... a little longer."

He sighs deeply. "You really mean that I can do whatever I want?"

I catch my breath and will my heart to stop pounding. "Anything."

"Fine." He steps back with his hands raised in surrender. He has a mischievous glint in his eyes although his mouth his set in a straight line. "I'll be a good boy... for now."

We make our way back to the table, ignoring the raised eyebrows of my uncles as we take our seats.

My head races with thoughts of what exactly Katsuki wants to do to me when we are alone later tonight. I'm excited, nervous and scared all at the same time.

"Thanks to Cementoss," Uncle Ai announces, quieting the clamor in the room. "There are two temporary dormitories where all the parents will be sleeping for the weekend. Originally, you were all going to be staying in your children's rooms but due to security measures we have come up with new accommodations. Activities for tomorrow begin at ten in the morning. After today's events, I think it would be best for us to wrap up this evening early."

Bakugo and I see his parents off at the door and as we're about to head inside, a rather large hand stops me.

"L/N," the current number one hero says. "You shouldn't push yourself so hard without the proper training." He produces a personal business card from his pocket. "When you guys start interning, give me a call."

       He follows behind the other parents as Katsuki and I stand with our mouths wide open.

       "What were you doing talking to my dad?" Todoroki asks, standing on the other side of Bakugo.

       I hold up his dad's calling card. "Recruitment, I guess."

       "Did you say 'yes?'" For a brief moment, his eyes resemble his father's—unkind and full of hatred.

       "She didn't say anything," Katsuki sighs.

       "I don't know who I'm gonna intern with but I don't think I'll work with your dad," I smile.

        His cheeks take on a slight hue of red. "You should take him up on the offer. He might not be the  best person but he'll definitely help make you stronger. Though his methods aren't for the faint of heart."

        "Thanks," my hot-headed sighs impatiently. "I'll make sure she keeps that in mind when she's picking an agency. Now, icy-hot, if you'll excuse us."

       Katsuki drags me behind him like a child, directly to the staircase.

       Most of our classmates have either gone to the baths or to bed, so we don't run into anyone else on the way to my bedroom. The moment the door closes, he sweeps me off my feet and lays me down on the bed.

       "I love you, Y/N," his voice is hoarse as his legs straddle my waist. "Let me show you how much I mean those words."

A/N: Sorry that I'm ending it on such a tantalizing and teasing note, but what I have in store for the next "scene" (if you will) deserves its own chapter 😉

Edit: I will be making two versions of the next chapter. One that is a lemon and smutty. One that is fluffy and not.

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