Chapter Thirty-Six: Can't Be Real

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Once my uncle finishes cleaning up, he returns my phone and begins preparations for breakfast. He double checks the menu and the itinerary for the day, all with a straight-laced expression.

My finger hovers over the button to delete the messages but for some reason I just can't press it. My whole body shakes. I can't shake the feeling of Michael's touch or his breath on my neck.

"Hey, Y/N," Katsuki says as he steadies my shaking hands, carefully avoiding my wounds. "Talk to me. What are you thinking?"

       I can barely find my voice. "I just... want this nightmare to... end." What will it take to put an end to all this?

       He takes my phone and ticks into the pocket of his pants before pulling me into his chest. "Trust your uncle. It will all be okay. They won't be able to get that close to you ever again."

       "Do you really believe that?" I sigh. "Because I don't... I can't. Maybe it would be best if I..."

       "Hey!" He takes my face between his hands, forcing me to meet his fiery irises. "I don't ever want to hear you finish that sentence. Do you hear me!?"

       "Uh, you guys okay?" Kirishima's voice trails from behind us.

       "Ah," Mineta sniffles, wriggling his fingers under his nose. "I smell a lovers spat. My shoulder is always..."

       Katsuki's fingertips begin to crackle. "If you don't shut the hell up half pint..."

       I don't want to deal with this right now. I stand up and make my way towards the front door.

       "Wait, let me come with you." Bakugo follows behind me.

       I place my hands on his chest. "I just... need to be alone for a minute." I give a small kiss and pull my phone from his pocket. "I'll be back in a few minutes. I won't go far."

       He grabs my hand tightly. "I don't think that's a good idea."

        I press my lips against his again. "Please, Katsuki. All I'm asking for is ten minutes to just, clear my head."

       "You get five minutes, then I'm coming to look for you." His lips brush against my forehead.

       The corners of my lips twist upward. "Fine."

~ Bakugo's Point of View ~

       I watch as her silhouette disappears down the walkway. She stops for a moment to talk to my parents as they walk up to the dormitory. Normally the old hag bothers me but it makes me happy to see her attempt to go with Y/N. Unfortunately, the girl I love seems to be just as stubborn as me and it's clear she refuses my mother's offer.

       7:24. She better be back before 7:30. I resist the urge to follow her from a distance.

       My parents talk but I can't hear them. My eyes won't look anywhere other than the front door and the window.

       7:25. Why the hell is time dragging ass?

       Most everyone sits where they did yesterday but this time half-and-half and his bastard father sit at our table.

       "Bakugo, where is Y/N?" Icy-Hot monotones.

       I look at the door and down at my phone. 7:26. "She'll be back soon. Don't worry about it."

       "Did you upset her?"

       "Is that why she seemed a little out of sorts when I passed by her?" My mom says, smacking her open palm against the back of head.

7:27. I try to ignore my mom but she snatches the phone from my hands. "It's rude to be on your phone at the table. Now tell me what you did to upset that sweet girl. I'll kill you if you hurt her."

My leg bounces underneath the table and I try to find a clock. Endeavor keeps moving his arm so I can't see anything more than the 7. The clock on the wall has been broken for a while, the second hand bounces between the five and the six while the time is permanently stuck on 1:31.

I have no other option. I shovel the food on my plate into my mouth after giving the quickest thanks that I can. She should have been back by now.

I don't wait. I push back from the table and take off out the front door without putting on my shoes. I head in the direction I watched her go, all while calling her name.

No response.

I unlock my phone and select her name from my contacts list. It rings and rings and rings and.... I hear her ringtone for me...

Looking around frantically, I search for the source of the sound but she's nowhere to be found.

I dial her number again, focusing on the sound more than finding her at the moment.

My heart stops.

I hang up the call and stare at the broken phone screen on the concrete in front of the bench we frequent. I try to ignore it but I can't unsee the dark red splatters on and surrounding the device that belongs to Y/N.

"No. This. Can't be. Real."

A/N: Please don't hate me. But if you do or you want to let me know anything about this chapter or the story in general or just want to talk, then I'm happy to announce that I have a way for you to do that. My good friend Jasper idefcanyway and I have set up a discord server because I really want to be able to interact with you all outside of the comment section. So please join and we can all chat and discuss the chapters with each update. Here's the link and I can't wait to talk with you all(:

xoxo- Sayori Kaede

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