Bing Bong & For The Love Of Mi Familia

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**** the chapter song "needs more Cowbell" 😜 (it's also the song that was playing while Kieth cooked the steaks 😁)****

Veronica and Llesynia were walking towards the school and Logan pulls up beside them in his sun bright yellow Nissan Xterra Llesynia "hey, Ronnie

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Veronica and Llesynia were walking towards the school and Logan pulls up beside them in his sun bright yellow Nissan Xterra Llesynia "hey, Ronnie.... Syn"  Logan says staring past Veronica at Syn who walks at her side as he continues to tease Veronica "hey, we've decided that we'd rather surf than study today you wanna come with? Duncan will promise to take his shirt off to sweeten the pot does it make you horny? - D.K., flex for your ex"  Logan hears Syn scoff softly as Duncan looks over at him and says "shut up, Logan!"  Logan chuckles into his hand that lays next to his mouth and says "all right, all right what do you say to a little hooch, huh?"  he asks holding a small brown flask out towards Veronica as he continues even though he could see Syn's hands ball into tight fists as he continues "what's the matter? aren't you your mother's daughter? now, there was a woman who can drink what's she up to nowadays? maybe she'll join us you know where she is? any clue?"  Syn has had just about enough of Logan's mouth and even though she knew that Veronica could handle herself he went too far by bringing her friends mother into the mix and she growls angrily "that's enough Logan Aaron Echolls! Logan looks at her in shock as she does her best to not punch him in the face "go.... away!"  she growls lowly and he looks at her with apologetic eyes though it didn't matter he would NEVER apologize to the one who TRULY deserved the apology and she hears Logan say softly as he does as ordered "man, she used to be fun, man"  and for some odd reason her mind went back to their "game" that they only played once.... the "sexing without phones" game and her.... as her mother used to call it "little v-v" which is why she NEVER calls Veronica "V".... throbbed lightly at the memory the way he looked as he watched her arouse herself though the thing that truly turned her on was not what her fingers were doing but HOW he was looking at her, how his body quivered excitedly when she moaned his name softly in ecstasy.... Syn ignored Logan for the rest of the day though she started doing that when he started dating Caitlin anyway she hated Caitlin more than she disliked Lily for many reasons how she treated her (Syn) grandmother as the two of them worked side by side, her (Caitlin) overly spoiled attitude, and the fact that she was cheating on Logan with Syn's own cousin.... a cousin that Syn deeply DESPISES.... Syn even sat at a table that wasn't anywhere near the 09ner table so that she didn't have to look at him she was GLAD that it was an "Angel" day and yet she wasn't because that meant that her grandmother would have to deal with Caitlin all by herself for the next two days.... Syn would soon "forgive" Logan but first he had to suffer he had to live with the sorrow he felt as he drove away that morning for a WHOLE day and wallow in his own self pity she could feel his eyes on her when they had their classes together.... newspaper, computer.... both classes that they HAD to share with his newly appointed distraction I mean "girlfriend" and his sadness as she continued to ignore him.... "hey Corny!.... what's up?!"  Syn says as she jogs over to one of Neptune's "resident genius' " who was sitting in art class during after school hours working on a project that Veronica handed over for him to do "look at this!"  he says excitedly as he shows her the book that Veronica had given him earlier she looks at it and sees a drawing of a bong and she chuckles softly "well have fun I've got to get to work"  she says with a smile and a wave "you know it!.... see ya!"  he replies with a grin as he waves back at her departing figure as she shakes her head and chuckles again.... after work Syn went to the Mars residence where she and Veronica sat and worked on their homework together at the kitchen table they look up and see Keith Mars walk in "and?"  Veronica asks "who's your daddy?"  Keith asks waving his hand out along his sides Syn chuckles as Veronica scoffs and says "ugh I hate it when you say that"  Keith replies "you know what, this is important you remember this I used to be cool"  Veronica asks "when?"  he replies " '77 Trans Am, Blue Oyster Cult in the eight-track a foxy, stacked blonde riding shotgun, racing for pink slips wait a minute, I'm thinking about a Springsteen song scratch it I was never cool"  Syn shakes her head smiling at her two friends as she continues to work on her homework while listening to their playful banter "I don't know which bothers me more, "foxy" or "stacked".."  Veronica says "I nailed our bail jumper 100 yards from Mexi-co twenty-five hundred bucks no sack dinners tonight tonight, we eat like the lower middle class to which we aspire fire up the hibachi!"  Keith says showing Veronica his payment check with flourish as she and Syn chuckle softly at him while he tap dances sideways humming a made up show tune "for real, steaks.... you're welcome to join us of course Syn"  Keith says as though he just realized that she was there as he pops his head back over and looks at the two girls "oh no thanks Mr M.!.... besides you just got home and you two deserve some daddy daughter time to "talk business" or whatever it is the two of you do"  Syn replies as she starts to put her things in her canvas bag "just so you know Mr M.... I think you're cool!"  she adds as she stands up ready to walk out the door Keith smiles at her as Veronica stands up and the two girls give each other a hug along the shoulder while Syn air kisses Keith's cheek "see you in school Ronica.... night Mr M"  she says as she heads towards the door Keith smiles at her and says "night Syn"  as he watches her walk out the front door "I always did like that girl!"  Keith says with a sigh in his tone as he and his daughter watch Syn walk down the stairs from their open door "yeah she's not bad for a Nav-arro"  Veronica replies and they hear Syn chuckle softly and they both smile at her departing figure then shut their front door.... the next day as Logan was being charted off to the principals office after his locker was searched he bumps into "the woman of his dreams".... who is still ignoring him by the way.... he watches her pass him and head over to where Corny was passing Veronica and Wallace as as he says pointing at Veronica who was pretending to yawn with her hand over her mouth like the Indians in the old wild west movies/stories "you're so cute listen I'll get you for this I will!"  even though he was pointing at Veronica his eyes followed Syn as he spoke Corny fist bumps Veronica and says excitedly "solid!"  and Logan watches as Syn wraps her arm around Corny's shoulders and walks with him to class with a smile and it makes his heart hurt watching her touch another "man".... later in the afternoon after school was over and Syn finished her homework.... this time with Felix and Eli.... she went to Angel's shop to work "good morning Charlie!"  she jokes as she gets off her Harley and walks past her uncle "good morning angel!"  Angel replies with a chuckle and says with a teasing tone as he turns to look at his niece "you do realize that it's "afternoon" right!?!"  she smiles then replies "almost evening.... and if I recall correctly I'm not the only one who said "good morning".."  the guys in the shop chuckle Angel shakes his head at her with a smile then gives her her afternoon/evening duties of the day after he finishes she teasingly tells him as she heads to go do as ordered "next time I'm callin you Bosley!.... but I like Bosley.... well Bill Murray's Bosley so it isn't that much of a "threat" is it!?!"  he laughs as he watches her walk away from him and over to her first car that she had to work on.... about an hour or so later Syn sees Veronica drive up with two broken headlights and she jogs over to her and asks softly "let me guess.... Logan?!"  Veronica nods "wait!.... did Eli!?!.... oh no!"   Syn says with a soft worried tone then she calls over one of the workers "Steve.... could you work on this car for me!?.... I have to....!"  hearing the worry in her tone the worker nods "she's family so she gets the "synful discount".."   Syn tells him as he takes Veronica's keys from her and drives the car towards the shop Steve chuckles softly "come on Ronica I'll give you a ride home"  Syn says pointing to her Harley Veronica nods and follows her over curious as to what's making her friend worry so much.... after dropping Veronica off Syn drives to the Echolls residence and rushes off to find Logan she finds him in "their" pool house with his shirt off checking his body for bruises she rushes over to him and jumps into his arms wrapping hers around his neck hugging him carefully while whispering into his ear "this is what you get for showing off to your friends!"  she hears him chuckle softly as she lets him go and lands back on her feet in front of him "I should get beat up more often!"  he teases with a smile and she looks at him the expression on her face made him chuckle then the smile on his face disappears as he thinks of the same thing she thinks of "....sorry!...."  he mutters softly "so!.... have you done your homework young man!?!"  she teasingly asks him "no mother I have not!"  he teasingly replies and he regrets saying that after the words slide out of his mouth because he knows that she HATES his mother but ends up being grateful when she playfully slaps his arm and he realizes that she took it as he meant for it to be.... a joke.... "don't you ever call me your mother again Logan Echolls!"  she teases as she slaps him hard enough for him to feel a slight sting from it but not hurt him and he realizes that she took it both ways and the sorrow he felt when he said those words shows in his eyes when he realizes that she took it as a joke BECAUSE of what he just went through she KNEW that her brother had "beat him" so that he could keep the "bad boy" persona he's SUPPOSE to have and he realizes that she was here for HIM and him alone to help him stay calm and make "him feel better".... as a true friend should.... "well that's what you get for calling me by my full name in front of my friends and your friend"  he teases to lighten the mood she smiles making him smile then he looks at her as she tilts her head slightly to the side with a slightly raised eyebrow all she was missing was the tap of her feet as she teases "homework!.... now!!.... shoo!!!"  she waves her fingers in a "get on with it!.... go!" sort of way and he chuckles softly then sits down gets out his school stuff and gets to work "have you....?!"  he asks looking up at her while pointing at her with the butt of his pen "yes"  she replies he nods and looks back down at the tediously BORING work before him.... he knows how lucky he is in his heart but his head just won't listen to it so he continues on keeping her at a distance and that is the most painful thing he's ever had to do in his life.... 

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