Dance With Me💃🕺

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Llesynia and Logan start to drive into school but once she sees the news reporters she turns to Logan and says softly "I want to go home!.... I-I'm afraid that if they even try to ask me even one little question I might beat the crap out of them and that would ruin your rep as a "bad boy with a good girl"!"   he chuckles kisses her lips then turns his car around and heads back to the biker bar where they left her Harley.... "I could stay with you!"  Logan says softly massaging Syn's arms by rubbing his hands up and down upon them and kissing her lips she chuckles and asks "do you know anything about cars!?!.... staying home without a "logical" reason means working at Angel's shop.... I'll tell you what!.... how about you go to school and be a good boyfriend and bring my work home for me!?.... that way I can keep up and not have to worry about falling behind and doing summer school on our last year.... unless you have "other" plans.... there's no "girl" on the side I should pretend to be jealous of is there!?!"  he chuckles knowing full well that she was joking "no!"   he says kissing her lips "there's only you!.... I promise!.... I want to keep you for as long as you allow me to have you!.... I love you!"  he adds in a soft voice while staring into her eyes as though he was trying to show her how much he meant every word "I love you too!"  she says softly with a smile he grins and kisses her lips again then heads to his car turning around to look at her as he starts to walk backwards clapping his hands happily with a smile as he continues to look at her as he walks bumping into the passenger side door of his car making her chuckle he turns then climbs into the car slides over to the drivers side watching her as he turns the key and drives off she shakes her head gets on her Harley and drives away.... once she got home she called the school and talked to Mr Clemmons using the excuse that her grandma's health was declining and someone needed to stay home and help her she asked if she could have her school work could be brought home so basically a home school type deal till further notice and Mr Clemmons agreed.... Mr Clemmons had asked Eli about it of course at first Eli was confused then he remembered the sight he drove into and he says "yeah! yeah! she's not doing so hot!.... I'll let her know you send your condolences though"  Mr Clemmons nods and walks away..... "is she alright!?!"  Eli asks Logan at lunch with a soft concerned tone "yeah!.... she seemed nervous when she saw the reporters and used the "afraid I'll beat the crap out of them" excuse to hide it.... I wanted to stay with her but she told me that she'd end up working at your uncles shop as "punishment" soo....!"  Logan replies kindly Eli chuckles and mutters to himself "smart girl!"  then he nods his thanks to Logan and walks away Logan looked at him oddly but didn't say anything as his 09ner buddies started to pile around him and he went back to ignoring the biker he's supposed to hate but secretly respects in a lot of ways....

!"  Logan replies kindly Eli chuckles and mutters to himself "smart girl!"  then he nods his thanks to Logan and walks away Logan looked at him oddly but didn't say anything as his 09ner buddies started to pile around him and he went back to ignor...

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"I've been invited to the gun range by Big Dick Casablancas... I'd like you to come with me"  Logan says softly to Syn as he stands behind her with his hands on her hips and his lips next to her ear she turns her head to look at him and teases "need another reason to show me off do you!?!"  he chuckles then purrs "no.... I want to show off to you!"  she raises her eyebrow at him then says "I shall.... think about it!"  he smiles kisses her then teases "don't think too hard.... I don't want you to hurt yourself!"  she playfully growls "why you!"  he lets go of her hips and playfully runs away and she chases him making him laugh.... a few days later Dick, his father, Logan and Syn are at the shooting range Syn and Logan share a booth because Logan wouldn't allow her to leave his side he holds her hips and lays the side of his head up against hers as he allows her to take the first few shots becoming completely turned on by how she looks with a gun in her hand and the way she shoots it then she hands the gun over to him then walks out of his embrace "I'll be back I'm curious as to how the other two are doing...."  she says softly kissing his lips after he watches her walk away with a sad look on his face  "I also have to use the ladies room so unless you plan on peeing for me.... which would be interesting to see!"  she teases he smiles giving her one more kiss he playfully orders "hurry back!"  she smiles then walks away taking her sound proofing headphones off and placing them on a hook that's on the wall of the booth and walks out passing by Dick and Richard once she sees Dick hold the gun "gangster style" she says "you do realize that the side grip.... even though it "looks cool".... isn't as effective as they make it look in the movies right!?!"  Dick scoffs in a "what do you know!?!" kinda way she shrugs and continues on her way but stops when she gets to Richard's booth and pats him on the arm "sorry to bother you Mr Casablancas but do you know where the bathrooms are?!"  Richard turn to look at her smiles and says "hey Syn you're fine it's down the hall and second door to your right"  she nods and replies "thanks Mr Casablancas then she walks away.... when Syn returns to the booths she hears Richard ask Logan "you ever shoot before, son?"  and Logan reply "oh, uh, no"  Richard tells him "it's a good way to let off some steam, but when you're at the point where you want to shoot someone, you want to take him down, you don't want to wing him heart and head.... that's where it counts"  Logan replies as Syn returns and slides herself inbetween his arms placing her back up against his chest and he wraps his arms around her hugging her to him "hmm, ain't that the truth?"  Syn chuckles softly as Richard says "you need focus, precision, the ability to only think about the task at hand when I'm working, my family doesn't exist does that sound awful?"  Logan replies "mm, no"  Richard says "it's not, because when I'm with my family, work doesn't exist"  Richard looks down at the gun in his hand and spins the chamber of it with his finger "hmm I think my father has a similar philosophy"  Logan replies Syn mutters "more like his family didn't exist at all work or not!"  as Richard says "yeah?"  Logan replies "yeah of course, he's a murderer, so.... yeah"  Logan flinches as though he was waiting for a elbow to the gut but it never comes as Syn looks at him sadly and his body sighs in relief Richard nods then chuckles and says "yeah"  then he pats Logan on the arm twice and returns to his booth once he leaves Dick walks over and says "hey we should have some chicks over tomorrow night dad's got this banquet at the Neptune Grand and he's forcing Kendall to go with him"  Logan looks down at Syn then up at Dick with an expression that asks "dude wtf!?!" as he asks "dude, have you forgotten I live alone.... and I got a girl so why would I need your special little skanks!?!"  Dick replies "yeah, but only psycho chicks want to go to Casa de Killer.... well except for her!"  Logan slides his hand over Syn's as hers ball into fists ready to punch Dick as he walks away Logan picks his gun back up and shoots the paper target in the heart he felt Syn's body jump and quiver with arousal at the feel and sight and he smiles as she turns her body to face him and plants her lips on his making his back hit the booth wall she jumps up into his arms and wraps her legs around his waist as her kisses become deeper and full of hunger "what about....!?!"  Logan whispers breathlessly "I don't care!.... all I know is that I want you and I want you now!"  she whispers back he smiles and kisses her sliding his hands over the top of her shirt feeling every inch of her as they make out in the shooting range booth her hands slide up his chest then down to his pants and she whispers in an alluring tone "hmm I wonder....!?!"  she starts to undo his belt, button and zipper then slides his cock out of the hole in his boxers and slides it into her as she slides her underwear down far enough so he could slide into her and she bounces on his hips making him thrust into her his eyes widen in surprise then he smiles and whispers as he continues to kiss her this time sliding his hands under her shirt so that they could play with her breasts and hard erect nipples properly "oh!.... my!!... GOD!!!"  then he growls softly with a tantalizingly smokey tone "you are so amazing!"  and they made love until it was time to go as quietly as they could so that they didn't end up with an audience and he became completely aroused not only by the fact that she did that right there in front of his friend and his friends father.... though as I said they didn't get a chance to watch.... but her soft whispered moans that flowed into his ears like a warm soft breeze she was able to keep the usual hard, fast, deeply penetrating pace.... as they always do when they make love.... with his hands planted on her ass helping them along while holding her up, their lips fed one another hungrily and traveled all over every inch of their bodies that they could reach and their tongues would play with one another on occasion they made sure they listened for the other two as they paid extremely close attention to each other so that they would know when to climb off one another and "fix" themselves the two Dick's were none the wiser and had no idea what happened in that particular booth....

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