Bye Bye Bye🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️👋🏽

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"Here's what I did on my term paper site break it down for the lazy, search and credit button there for the dumb, billable links at the top disguised as functions"  Max says as he and Mac work together to figure out the best way to help Logan.... who watches them from across the way leaning up against the bar counter and sipping a cup of coffee.... with his website "so they link without realizing"  Mac replies "and I make a dollar see, the point of the internet is to make money off stupid people"  Max says "I like how you think, Max"  Logan replies saluting him with his cup Max nods at him "that sound you hear is my idealism quietly shattering"  Mac says looking over at Logan "that other sound you hear is my cynicism laughing at your idealism shattering"  Max replies looking from Logan then back to Mac "well, it won't be laughing when I crash your greedy website"  Mac says looking over at Max "I'll be laughing when you try"  Max replies Logan roles his eyes at them "will you? maybe I'm in your trusted host table already"  Mac says as Llesynia walks into the room from the bedroom with a smile and walks over to Logan as he says "should I get a camera!?! there's got to be someone that'll pay to see this hot nerd on nerd action!"  he kisses Syn's lips as she wraps her arms around him Mac and Max look over at them  "did we wake you!?!"  Mac asks with a tone of concern "no, you're fine Mac!.... I don't really sleep much anyway"  Syn replies with a smile "without him by your side!?!.... aww isn't that sweet!"  Mac teases bobbing her head Syn chuckles and teases back "don't you have work to do!?!.... if you're not careful I'm taking your licorice and Red Bull away!"  Mac pretends to look sad poking her bottom lip out with a cute pouty look then smiles at her friend Syn chuckles and shakes her head.... a few hours later Mac and Max got everything all set up and ready to rock and roll for Logan "is this about right?"  Logan asks sounding tired as he and Syn sit side by side on the couch her head on his shoulder as he looks down at the finished product on the computer Logan kisses the top of her head she looks up and smiles at him then he kisses her lips Max who was pacing by the square glass fireplace replies "you're all set to fleece idiots"  Mac who was leaning up against the ottoman next to the couch grabs her jacket and says to Max  "thanks for helping us out"  Max replies "hey, free food why not? just remember, you got to link to me"  he points at Logan as he heads towards the door Logan looks over and nods Mac gets up and follows him out waving to Syn and Logan as she does "aren't they the cutest!?!"  Syn teases as she watches them walk towards the front door Logan chuckles "sure you want to compromise your reputation on your cheating site with a link to our ass site?"  Mac asks Max as they walk "anything to help you guys out"  Max replies then chuckles "you up for breakfast tomorrow?"  Max asks Mac once they reach the door "I've got to finish up rain check"  Mac replies Max nods with a smile then leaves Mac turns to look at Logan who now sits by himself on the couch.... Syn got up to make more coffee...."what?"  Mac asks after seeing the expression on his face "nothing"  Logan replies....

"what?"  Mac asks after seeing the expression on his face "nothing"  Logan replies

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