Surfin With Uncle D🏄🏻‍♂️🏄🏽🏄🏽‍♀️

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"Uncle Dick!!"  Zayden says happily as soon as Dick opens the door to his beach house and finds Llesynia and a little 6 year old boy on the otherside "Z-man!!"  Dick says as he opens his arms wide to let the little boy in and give him a hug "you know I've been trying to get him to stop saying that but every time we come to see you it's the first thing that comes out of his mouth!"  Syn teases and they hear Logan chuckle from further inside the beach house "hey Syn!"  Dick says giving her shoulder a hug and the three of them walk inside "so you'll be happy to know we came prepared this time!"  Syn says slapping the kids surfboard that she was carrying "that's cool!"  Dick replies Syn chuckles then she sees Logan sitting at the table staring at her and says softly "hello Logan!"  Logan replies with a soft sigh-like tone "hi!"  Syn turns to Dick and says "we'll meet you outside...."  Dick nods at her and she walks away to go find Zayden who was getting his wet suit on she lightly taps on the bathroom door with the tips of her knuckles and asks "how you doing in there Z!?!.... need any help!?!"  Logan gets up out of his chair ready to offer assistance when they hear Zayden reply "no.... I got it!"  Syn chuckles then says softly "that's my boy Mr Independent!"  then she says in a louder playful voice "well I'm comin in anyway so watch out!"  Logan chuckles as she opens the bathroom door then walks in to the bathroom Logan slumps back into his chair as soon as she was out of sight "dude I told you you were crazy!"  Dick says as he watches his friend go from being sad to just about depressed in less than 2 seconds "I know!"  Logan says softly "do you know that she hasn't been with anyone since you broke up with her?!"  Dick asks Logan's eyes widen in surprise and says softly "so he definitely is mine!!"  Dick replies "unless she became a surrogate to some bitch that decided she didn't want the kid after he was born!.... she found out that she was prego two months after you left her.... I guess she thought that the relationship between you two might have actually lasted longer this time around!"  Logan says softly with a sad tone "yeah!"  a few seconds later Zayden and Syn walk out of the bathroom Zayden wearing a wet suit Syn wearing a smile as she orders "alright get your board and lets go!"  Zayden rushes over to get his surfboard then he runs out the door Syn chuckles shaking her head and follows him out.... "he surfs!?!"  Logan asks Dick with a surprised tone as he once again stands up this time to walk over to the sliding glass door and watch Syn and Zayden playing around on the beach "yeah!.... Syn even had me help her teach him how to swim a sort of bonding ritual we came up with after he was born.... I'm not a Godfather or anything but I'm grateful she allowed me to be a part of his life.... which was a total shocker!"  Dick replies "yeah!"  Logan says softly then he laughs to hide the fact that he wants to cry and at that moment they hear another knock at the door and Dick once again goes to answer it and finds Veronica on the other side.....

 which was a total shocker!"  Dick replies "yeah!"  Logan says softly then he laughs to hide the fact that he wants to cry and at that moment they hear another knock at the door and Dick once again goes to answer it and finds Veronica on the other...

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After an hour or so of surfing and having fun with Uncle Dick Syn and Zayden head back inside to get something to eat.... "Aunt Ronica!"  Zayden calls out excitedly and rushes over to give Veronica a hug as soon as he walks inside with Syn not too far behind him smiling "is he yours!?!.... is it wise to be dating someone so soon after your girlfriends death!?!"  the lawyer that Logan and Veronica were dealing with asks Logan once she sees them walk in "well....! I....!"  Logan starts "don't you think you should be more focused on the task at hand!?!.... do your homework lady the technical term for a girl like me is "ex-girlfriend"!.... so you leave my son outta this you hear or I will make your life so miserable....!"  Syn asks with harsh sarcasm she stops speaking when she sees the pained look on Logan's face then says in a softer kinder voice to her son "come on Z let's go to the kitchen and see if Uncle Dick has any of your favorite cereal left or if Logan ate it all on ya!"  Logan chuckles then he watches as Syn and Zayden walk out of the room and head towards the kitchen.... after eating Zayden and Syn head back out and lawyer number four walks in Logan doesn't see Zayden or Syn again until after lawyer number six arrives and Syn and Zayden get ready to leave changing back into their dry clothes and giving Veronica another hug.... lawyers number 4 thru 6 were informed that Veronica's nephew was around so another incident like the one with lawyer number 3 didn't happen.... when Logan dropped Veronica off at her dads he asked her for Syn's number and when he got home he called the number Veronica had given him hoping that not only was it right but that she would answer and to his surprise she did "hello!?!"  Syn says sleepily when she answers.... man she sounded sexy even when she was half asleep.... "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you!"  Logan replies softly "yes you did!.... I'll let it slide this time but next time you do that you'll be the one waking up early and getting Z ready for the day so I can sleep in!"  she teases Logan chuckles then replies with a smile in his tone "I wouldn't mind doing that!"  she says "if you aren't too busy tomorrow Zayden and I were gonna go to his favorite ice cream shop and you could come with us if you like!.... take some time to actually let him get to know you and you him"  he replies "I'd like that!.... let me guess Zip's?!"  Syn chuckles then says "although Aunt Heather has her moments of being a horrible influence on him he actually likes Amy's"  he chuckles then replies "aunt huh!?!"  Syn teases "she's the Godmother of choice!"  he laughs then says "I'll let you go back to sleep and see you tomorrow"  she replies "looking forward to it"  he whispers softly " too!"  then they hang up.... around 12:00 the next afternoon Logan drove to Keith Mars' home and picked up Syn and Zayden Logan was shocked when Zayden rushes over and hugs his hip as he leaned up against his car Syn smiles at the two of them as Zayden looks up at Logan with a smile and Logan looks down at Zayden with a smile Syn secretly took a picture of the two of them then puts her phone away "I think he likes you already!"  Logan hears Syn say as she walks over carrying Zayden's booster seat he walks over to her and takes it from her then walks back over to his car and sets it down in the back seat then he looks over at Syn as though just realizing something and says "I'm sorry I never thought about....!"  she chuckles and teases "it's alright the feeling of having the top down will help him feel what it'll be like when he gets his first Harley!.... which we all know is gonna happen he is a Navarro after all!"  Logan laughs as he picks Zayden up and places him in his booster seat then buckles him in then he holds the passenger side door open for Syn "what you let him hop inside but not me!?!"  she teases he laughs as she slides into the passenger seat and he shuts the door then he walks over to the drivers side hops over the door and sits in his seat making Syn laugh as he begins driving "seatbelt!"  Zayden orders Logan who had yet to put his on before he started driving Logan laughs and puts his seatbelt on with a smile trying very hard resist the urge to touch much less kiss the woman who sits next to him....

 which we all know is gonna happen he is a Navarro after all!"  Logan laughs as he picks Zayden up and places him in his booster seat then buckles him in then he holds the passenger side door open for Syn "what you let him hop inside but not me!?!...

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Logan spent the whole day with Syn and Zayden taking them out for ice cream and all the fun kid friendly places in and around Neptune Zayden loved riding in Logan's convertible he laughed happily with delight everytime they had to drive somewhere.... "he's always known who you are even if you never knew he existed.... the only parts of your life he doesn't know about are the darker ones.... the ones that follow you forever as they hit the tabloids...."  Syn tells Logan as they sit and watch Zayden play with his friends at the park "like my most recent "adventure".."  Logan says with a sarcastic bite "I was thinking more along the lines of how his grandparents treated you.... the abuse, the ignorance.... but yeah the most recent stuff too"  Syn replies Logan lets out a short chuckle then says softly taking her hands in his "I've tried so hard to get over you but I just can't!.... it's impossible!"  she replies softly "you're the one that broke up with me!.... without giving me a real reason as to why!.... you just....!"  his eyes lock with hers as he says softly "I know!.... what I did was foolish I never should have done it!.... and I can't take it back even though I wish I could!.... I wish that I was there for every waking moment of his life!.... GOD I was so STUPID!"  Syn replies "you know what surprises me the most?!.... your latest choice in girlfriends wasn't a blonde but a rainbow colored rose.... I mean seriously!.... just how many jealous little snowflakes are you going to "replace" me with!?!"  Logan asks with a soft chuckle in his voice "jealous little....!?!"  Syn replies "I know you Logan!.... at least I'd like to think that I do!.... the Logan I know would never ignore a text, call or email from me.... so I can take a guess as to why you "never received" the videos and pics I sent!.... but before that!!.... unless SHE'S the reason you broke up with me to begin with!.... that would have been nice to know beforehand!"  Logan's eyes widen and he says squeezing her hands that he has yet to let go of "no!.... no!!.... it was the distance.... I thought they'd be sending me everywhere and we'd never see each other!.... then I became too afraid to look for you when I came back!.... I never heard from you so I thought....!"  Syn replies softly "I wrote to you EVERY DAY!.... texted, emailed!.... I had Veronica check to see if anything had changed number, address and email wise.... you had the right to know you have a son after all and you never replied to ANY of it!.... here!"  she slides her hands out of his reaches into her bag and pulls out a camcorder then hands it over to him "every video I ever took is on there.... now if you'll excuse me I have to go check on OUR son!"  she stands up and walks away he sits there in shock for a few seconds then stands up and follows her

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