The Hard Life

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Aaron was found guilty of all charges and was sentenced to 15 years to life (for 2nd degree murder) plus 12 years (4 for rape 8 for assault).... when Logan and Llesynia get to his suite Syn turns to him and asks "a very personal question" in a soft playfully teasing tone as they stand in his now open doorway her hand still holding the knob "so!.... would it be wrong to have sex after a case like that!?!.... cause I hear victory sex is just as good if not better than make up sex!"  Logan smiles walks over to her wraps his arms around her waist picks her up and carries her inside kicking the door closed behind him as he walks "let's test that theory shall we!?!"  he asks kissing her lips "we shall!"  she replies with a smile he carries her to his bedroom lays her down on his bed they strip one another of their clothes and make love to each other.... after Eli finished all his finals Syn went and took hers.... she as well as the rest of her family didn't like leaving Letty without someone to look after her.... a few days later it was graduation day Syn walks in with her family then after awhile heads over to where Logan was standing with Dick and gives him (Logan) a kiss.... as Veronica and Mac along with everyone in their line walked up to get their diplomas Syn notices Lamb walk in and head for her and Eli she shoots up from her seat and Eli tries to pull her back down "don't you DARE Lamb!"  she growls angrily "come on sis!.... sit down!"  Eli whispers softly "you should listen to your brother Llesynia!"  Lamb warns softly  "no!.... not this time Lamb!.... I know why you're here and I am NOT gonna let you take him!.... I mean think about it Lamb.... if ANYONE had reason to kill Thumper I would be me!.... he almost killed me in a drive-by shooting.... I have the scar on my skull to prove it!.... he was Eli's "friend" a member of his crew what reason would he have to kill him hmm?!.... besides he doesn't have anything like that on his record so for what reason would he start now?!.... if you are gonna arrest someone then arrest me!.... let my brother graduate and take me for heaven's sake!.... do the right thing for once in your miserable existence!.... Eli has a record I don't.... if you add something that Eli would NEVER do.... even though we know who REALLY is at fault here but they're so "big, powerful and scary" that everyone is gonna "look past it".... just like they did when my parents died.... how badly did his body get burned or blown to chucks as the stadium blew up hmm?!.... yes I know about that!.... I found him LONG before it happened.... were you able to check his body?!.... if you were you would have found that he had a cut on the side of his head in the same place I have my scar and a somewhat fatal stab wound in his stomach.... I GAVE him those then left him there when I could have easily uncuffed him from the urinal!.... please Lamb!.... just take me!"  Syn begs Lamb cuffs her "I'll be fine Eli.... you get that diploma for the both of us ok?!"  Syn says softly as looks into her brothers sorrowful eyes then she turns and allows Lamb to cuff her Eli chuckles softly and says "yeah!.... sure thing sis!"  Lamb reads her her rights then takes her away with the whole school and their parents watching in shock Logan stands up squeezes through his line of fellow classmates and to everyone's surprise Lamb stopped and let him walk over and kiss her goodbye "I'll be fine!.... help Eli take care of Letty.... you owe her after all!"  she whispers softly as he places his forehead on hers after he had kissed her Logan held back the tears that threatened to fall as he chuckles at her words and nods "I love you!"  he whispers "I love you!"  she whispers back then he kisses her again then reluctantly lets Lamb walk her the rest of the way out of the gym where the graduation ceremony was taking place....

 you owe her after all!"  she whispers softly as he places his forehead on hers after he had kissed her Logan held back the tears that threatened to fall as he chuckles at her words and nods "I love you!"  he whispers "I love you!"  she whispers b...

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