Relationships Don't Come Easy💔💝💞💕

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As Llesynia takes Jade and Sarah outside she opens her Zippo and lights it under a smoke detector the fire alarm goes off and the ballroom's sprinkler system turns itself on getting everyone wet Sarah and Jade squeal as they follow Syn out of the hotel "hey Princey!.... just foot Madison the bill for whatever! after all the dumb slut started it!"  Syn says as she passes by her ex-high school principal she could have sworn she heard him chuckle as he shakes his head at her and she smiles.... once outside Syn turns to Jade and Sarah and says "well I don't know about you but I've had enough of high school for the night.... how about we go wake up the kids and have our own after party!?!"  Jade and Sarah laugh "get it all out of your system boys!?!"  Syn asks as she hears a set of four footfalls come from behind her "yes ma'am!"  she hears Norris reply with a smile in his tone and she turns around and scolds "this is not a game Norris Clayton!"  Norris stammers but says nothing.... mainly because he couldn't think of anything to say.... "Logan Echolls, Sarah Clayton and Jade Tombs"  Syn introduces Logan looks at the three women wide eyed mouth agape in surprise "they'll be riding with me so that you all can cool off!.... if you decide to come that is.... we'll have it at Keith's.... the neighbors know better than to complain over the loud laughter of children!"  Syn says Eli and Felix chuckle as they watch the girls walk away and over to Syn's car then drive off.... Logan, Felix and Norris all show up at Keith Mars' house in their own cars the party with kids was already in full swing with Keith playing chaperone/snack/drink table guard and Backup in charge of the music as soon as the men got their each of their kids rushed over calling out "daddy!!"  the women look over with a smile as they watch each kid hug their father Norris looks at Syn oddly and she nods he smiles at her and shakes his head in a "why am I not surprised!?!" kinda way.... the party with the kids continues and after a few minutes go by Syn starts to worry about Eli who has yet to arrive she calls his mobile a few times and when she doesn't get an answer she looks at Logan with a worried expression on her face he looks up at her as he sits playing with his son seeing her expression he walks over to her "Eli should have been here by now!.... I've called his phone and didn't get an answer which is not like him!"   Syn says softly with a worried tone Logan places his hand on her shoulder and asks "would you like to go look for him?!"  she nods he takes her hand and helps her stand up they head over to the others and ask if they wouldn't mind keeping an eye on Zayden for awhile and they all agreed that they would do so Logan then walks her to his car they get in and drive around looking for Eli's truck "I never knew your middle name as Leticia!"  Logan says she chuckles and teases "it only took you two nights to think of that!?!"  he chuckles "what I'm curious about is the three years before you started dating Carrie.... what did you do with your phones, computers and other shit!?!.... did you give them to someone!?!.... put them in storage!?!.... you know they sell the stuff once the payments stop happening right!"  she says "I gave them to Dick"  he replies "but Dick wouldn't have....! sure we didn't always get along but I don't believe he would....! unless one of his conquests....!"  she pauses then asks "did he ever get back with Madison!?!.... or "have a moment" with Carrie herself!?!.... they both hate me so it's possible that they would!"  it was at that moment that they saw the flashing lights of cop cars, an ambulance and "Logan!.... that's Eli's truck!!"  Syn says with a soft surprised tone that held a hint of worry Logan stops the car and before he even has a chance to put it in park Syn had jumped over her door and started running towards the truck calling out her brothers name with a frightened and worried tone "Eli!?!"   one of the deputies turns to face her and she was grateful to see it was her "favorite" deputy "Sacks!.... is Eli....!?!"  she asks softly "he's been shot.... but he's going to be alright!.... you can ride in the ambulance with him if you like"  Sack tells her she nods then looks at Logan and says softly "go look after our son!.... I'm pretty sure that Eli's first call is gonna be to Ronica or when Cliff comes he'll call Keith and I can't expect Norris, Felix and their families to stay there forever"  Sack's looks at her in shock when she said "our son" to Logan Logan on the other hand smiles and nods as he watches Sacks help her into the back of the ambulance then he heads back to his car gets in and drives back to Keith's the words she spoke on the way there ringing through his head.... did Carrie actually destroy every piece of evidence that he has a son for all those years!?!.... or Madison!?!.... his anger at the thought that someone could be so cruel and heartless grew with every mile he drove but as soon as he got back to his son he forced it all back and tried his best to put on a good front and be happy for his sons sake.....

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