I Remember You!!!!!!!!

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Llesynia and Veronica lean up against Logan's car as he walks Della to her front gate after the three of them drive her home Syn's eyes widen and she makes a "I'm gonna vomit!" face when she sees Della grip the back of Logan's neck and pull him in for a kiss Logan stands stock still and lets her kiss him then Della says "sweet dreams"  as she closes her gate and walks towards her garage apartment Logan licks his lips then presses them tightly together as he walks over to the other two girls Syn chuckles at the expression on his face and he says playfully "I'm glad you find this so amusing!"  Syn shakes her head smiling as she playfully teases "you're too cute!"  Logan smiles "I am so sorry and so grateful heh"  Veronica says as Logan gets closer to them "don't be I was into it we're going skating next week"  Logan replies Syn raises and eyebrow at him and asks playfully "are you now!?!"  he replies "yep!.... and you're coming along!"  Syn laughs "Veronica, you flew across the country to help me this was easy.... having the two of you here with me made it even easier and much more bearable"  Logan says to Veronica "um, we're going out to dinner tomorrow night you should come me, Mac, Wallace, Syn"  Veronica tells him "my whole fan club? no, I don't think so so you're not going to the reunion either, then?"  Logan asks "I circled that date in my calendar 10 years ago and vowed to skip it"  Veronica says "what about you Syn?!"  Logan asks "I'm thinking about it.... got my babysitters on stand-by.... though I'm only going.... if I go at all.... cause Norris and Felix promised to be there.... both married with kids.... they promised to introduce me to their wives and get my opinion on them"  Syn replies Logan chuckles Veronica looks at the two of them and says "we should take the long way home"  Logan looks at Veronica then at Syn who shrugs and says "why not?!.... Z's in bed.... even if he's not asleep.... he definitely doesn't take after his father when it comes to doing as he's told and listening to his elders.... the ones he trusts at least!"  Logan laughs then says "well alright then!"  Veronica hops in the back Logan and Syn hop in the front they all buckle up then Logan drives off.... Logan kept sneaking glances at Syn as he drove "you miss this feeling huh?!"  he asks she looks at him "not really.... my designated babysitters sometimes watch him just so I can ride my Harley around every now and again"  she replies he laughs "there is someone I do miss though!"  she says softly "yeah!.... me too!"  he replies softly and doesn't say anything else....

 me too!"  he replies softly and doesn't say anything else

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"Here!.... you should have these!"  Syn says once Logan drops her and Veronica off at home she hands him a large pile of sealed envelopes "what are they!?!"  he asks looking down at them as he takes them from her "every letter, email and picture I ever sent you about our son and his life growing up!.... what you missed!.... what you're still missing!.... what you gave up the day you dumped me!"  she replies he looks at her heartbroken she kisses his cheek and says "goodnight Logan!"  then she walks past him into the house shutting the door behind her "mommy!!"  she hears Zayden call out as he rushes over to her and hugs her tightly "I'm sorry he....!"  Keith says apologetically she looks up and says softly with a smile "it's alright Mr M!.... I actually needed this!"  Keith smiles sadly at her then he looks out the window and sees a figure standing stock still in the middle of his sidewalk "uh!.... Syn!?!"  Keith says softly seeing him staring out the window Syn stands up with a smile on her face takes her sons hand and says as she grips the door handle and turns it "I think there's someone else who needs a magically healing Zayden hug!"  Keith smiles at her as she opens the door Zayden looks out to she the still figure standing in the walkway and calls out with happy excitement in his tone "daddy!"  Logan turns just in time to see Zayden rush over to him and he kneels down to the 6 year olds level, stretches out his arms and welcomes his son into them he looks up to see both Syn and Keith standing in the open doorway with smiles on their faces and mouths "thank you!" Keith nods and waves then walks back inside "alright Z you're gonna have to let daddy go for a little while he's gotta get back to Uncle Dick's before the sun rises and get some sleep himself he's had a very long night!"  Syn calls out Zayden looks at her then at Logan and asks "when are you gonna come home daddy!?!"  Logan smiles a sad smile as he slide his hand through his sons hair and says softly "soon!.... I promise!"  then he kisses the top of his sons head and walks over to his car climbs in then drives off with a wave fighting the tears that threaten to fall as he tries to make it to Dick's place before he loses control and they fall completely of their own free will.... when Syn arrived at the High School Reunion she found two very familiar men.... and their women who weren't so familiar.... waiting for her and she calls out happily as she heads over towards them "Norris!!.... Felix!!"  both Norris and Felix stand up and hug her as soon as she reaches them then they introduce her to their wives and show off pictures of their kids Felix has a 5 year old daughter and Norris has a 7 year old son luckily for Norris and Felix their wives fell instantly in love with her "hey E come say hi to some ol friends of ours!"  Syn calls out as Eli passes them Eli turns and stares in shock at Felix and Norris then he happily "bro hugs" both men and introductions are made yet again this time Eli is the one who meets the wives and sees pics of the kids Eli and Syn also show pictures of their kids "man I didn't even know you were comin!.... this was your idea wasn't it!?!"  Eli says to Felix and Syn Syn playfully shrugs Eli, Norris and Felix laugh just then Veronica walks over to the group and the introductions and picture show happens again.... "oh I doubt that!"  Syn says after Eli tells Felix that he and his family might be moving to NYC after Veronica left to go mingle with the crowd Eli looks at her with an expression that asks "why!?!" "something about the "magnetic pull of Neptune".... besides being a lawyer might just be too "boring" for her she can't actually SOLVE the mystery just make sure that her client doesn't go to jail.... all paperwork and no stake outs!.... where's the fun and excitement in that!?!"  she explains Eli, Felix and Norris laugh "she's been helping Logan prove his innocence which is going to remind her just how much she misses the P.I. lifestyle.... even if it is a little less glamorous than being a lawyer.... she's never been big on that stuff anyway!"  Syn says "yes I believe Logan is innocent!.... yes I know about each and every video that showed his "temperamental" side.... but that doesn't make him a murderer!.... besides how do we know that they showed the whole thing and not just the bits that will help them fuel the fire of their story!?!.... he isn't his father Eli and....! at least when I was dating him he was "getting better" at the "not so explosive" temper that the video showed.... though maybe I just never gave him a reason to be that pissed off!.... when he loves someone all he wants to do is protect them!.... he doesn't want to be controlled or even be IN control he want to help and show that he loves and cares for that person but with how his parents were he's just not sure how to do it!"  Syn stops when she sees Logan walk into the High School reunion and walk over to Sean Friedrich....

"Any Pirates in the house?"  they hear Madison say into the microphone on the stage "well time to walk the plank!"  Syn says sarcastically Felix, Eli and Norris laugh "to remember those of us who are no longer around.... please turn your attention to the screen.... as we say goodbye to old friends Shelly"  Madison says waving her hand to her friend who starts a in memoriam picture video "Meg Manning, Rhonda Landers, Carrie Bishop"  once Madison says that and Carrie's picture shows on the large screen above they hear someone yell out "murderer!"  to Logan Syn starts to stand up ready to punch the guys lights out but Norris places his hand on top of her fist and she sits back down as Madison continues "Susan Knight"  Syn could have sworn she saw sadness in Logan's eyes when he saw Norris place his hand over hers and she stands up again Norris goes to stop her again until he hears her whisper softy "no!.... Logan saw....!"  he nods knowingly and lets her go.... when Syn gets outside she sees Veronica talking to Logan and she stops "Logan! "Serendipity," Carrie's new tattoo.... was the name of the boat they were on the night Carrie's best friend drowned and Carrie's new album, Confessional? "try drowning all our memories tonight"? something happened on that boat"  Veronica says "yeah? you sound like Ruby"  Logan replies "Carrie couldn't keep the secret anymore she was unraveling, and whoever killed Carrie.... did it to shut her up so who else was on the boat that night?"  Veronica asks "there was Carrie, Stu Cobbler, Dick"  Logan replies "Dick?"  Veronica asks "yeah Dick, Gia Goodman, Luke Haldeman that crowd"  Veronica asks "you ever talk about what happened that night with Carrie?"  Logan replies "yeah, once she curled up in a fetal position, didn't speak the rest of the night"  Logan looks over to see Syn watching them and two women rush over behind her seeing Logan's stare Syn turns around and sees Felix and Norris' wife jogging over to her and says with a soft surprised tone "Jade!?! Sarah!?!"  Jade takes her hand and says "you have to come stop your brother and our husbands from doing something stupid!"  Syn rolls her eyes and mutters "what did Madison do now!?!"  and she jogs back inside inbetween both girls who took her hand and lead her to where a fight had broke out in the building Logan and Veronica look at the three of them oddly then each other and follow the three women inside.... "Norris Albert (Albert was my fathers name 😁) Clayton!"  Norris hears Syn scold and his fist stops in mid air as he, Dick, Eli and Felix start a fight with the guys that were chuckling, hooting, wolf whistling etc. etc. at the sex tape of Syn and Norris played on the large screen "Elias Angelos Navarro!!, Felix....!!!"  Eli and Felix copy Norris' motion with one addition "don't!.... you!!.... dare!!!"  Felix says with a chuckle in his tone "are you three really stupid enough to give them what they want!?!"  Eli replies jokingly "I thought it would make them jealous and it was fun!"  Syn then hears Logan say with a forced chuckle from behind her "so this is what your first time was like!!"  she turns around just in time to see him join the fight.... that Dick had continued because Syn never got to his name.... Syn says softly "Logan!.... no!!"  Felix, Norris and Eli rejoin the fight and and Wallace.... after shutting off the video.... joins the fight as well Syn says to Jade and Sarah with a fake cheerful tone much like Veronica did to Wallace when they first met and she cut him down from the flagpole "well.... Welcome to Neptune.... GO PIRATES!!"  Jade and Sarah let out a short chuckle "come on girls I've seen enough of this "fighting for my honor" shit!"  Syn adds as she takes Jade and Sarah's hands in hers and walks them back outside

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