16 - Life Out of Place

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The Other Side of the Mirror

The Other Side of the Mirror

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It was the moment of truth. All of Sunset's efforts were about to be tested. She'd done everything she was could think to do, and whether she succeeded or failed would come down to this. Just a single press of a button.

Inhaling a breath she didn't dare let out, Sunset reached out her hand. She stopped for a moment, index resting on the button, before finally pressing it.

A blue light circled the button as the gentle humming of fans started up. "Yes!" The computer monitor lit up to momentarily display the motherboard's manufacturer, before booting into the BIOS.

A knock on the door snapped Sunset away from her moment of victory. "Good news, I take it?"

Sunset frowned at the door, but she soon fixed her expression as she stood to answer it. It wouldn't do her any good to show Rose Petal anything less than the darling angel Sunset had become in the past year.

By the time she opened the door, Sunset was wearing an excited grin. "It works! I just finished getting it all set up."

Rose took a look at the screen, although she no doubt had no idea what anything she was seeing meant. It was just blocky white text on a black background, awaiting the command to begin installing the operating system. "I never doubted it. But while I'm sure you'd rather play with your new toy, it's time for your meeting with Mrs. Dusk."

"Already?" Sunset glanced at a clock, although she had already known what time it was. "I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow..."

Rose turned away from the computer to give Sunset a confused look. "It's not going to take all day, you know."

"Yeah, I know. But installing everything on the computer probably will. I was hoping that I would at least have enough time to get it all started, then the operating system could install while I was gone. But I guess I'll have to do it when I get back."

Rose seemed to consider something, then broke out in a resigned smile. "Well, I suppose I could drive you. Would fifteen minutes give you enough time to get things settled here?"

Sunset shifted to an apprehensive look, although that was the exact reaction she had hoped for. "That would be perfect, but... I couldn't ask you to do that. I know you don't really like to drive around so much anymore."

"Really now, Sunset, I'm not that old!" Rose chuckled and shook her head. "I think I can manage a short drive down to the coffee shop."

"Well, if you're sure... Thank you, Ms. Rose. You're the best!"

"Oh, you." Rose smiled to herself as she left Sunset alone to finish with her computer.

Sunset wasted no time in getting back to it. She initiated the OS installation, taking the time to review all the options. For as long as she could remember, she'd been fascinated by computers. As silly as it seemed, there was always something about them that seemed magical to her. She had thought that learning about how they work would diminish the effect, but it didn't. If anything, the more she learned, the more interested she became.

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