24 - A Place to Call Home

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Act IV

Consumed by Fire

It was finally time

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It was finally time. After a lifetime of waiting, it was finally happening.

'Not a lifetime,' Sunset reminded herself. There was a time before New Horizons, an entire life spent elsewhere. Even after everything Sunset had experienced, she still had to remind herself of that from time to time.

Perhaps that was why she was still going through with the whole thing. But as she loaded the final box into the back of Flash's car, it didn't really matter why. It was finally time, and Sunset was not looking back.

"You're sure that's everything?" Rose Petal asked as Sunset shifted the passenger seat back into its usual sitting position. "It never hurts to do a double check, you know."

"I'm positive," Sunset said. "It's not like I had all that much stuff to begin with."

"You remembered your toothbrush? Everyone always seems to forget their toothbrush."

Sunset smiled and rolled her eyes. "Yes, I remembered my toothbrush."

"Well, okay then..." Rose Petal looked at Flash's car apprehensively. The trunk and back seat were full of Sunset's things, and it was ready to take her away from New Horizons forever.

Snails was leaning against the car. "Uh, do you want us to come and help you unpack everything?"

What a stupid question. Even if Sunset wanted them to come, which she definitely did not, there wasn't anywhere for them to sit. But before she could point that out, Flash stole their attention with a friendly chuckle. "Thanks, Snails, but I think we can take it from here. We appreciate the offer, though."

"I guess we'll see you at school tomorrow, then," Snips said. He was standing near Snails, inseparable as always.

"Yeah, of course," Sunset said, following Flash's lead by being polite. It would be easier than ever to ditch school, but more than ever, she needed something to focus her attention on these days.

Snips and Snails had helped Sunset and Flash load up her stuff. Rose Petal was too old to actually carry any boxes, but she had come to see Sunset off. The other caretakers who happened to already be at work and a few of the kids had also come outside, but they all lingered a fair distance away and were already talking among themselves. No one that wasn't already at the orphanage had bothered to show up for her last day there.

"Sunset," Rose said gently, "if things don't work out for you on your own, I hope you know that you can always come back to me. I'll... well, we'll figure something out."

That was easier said than done, and they both knew it. Sunset had been officially emancipated from the state's care, which meant that living at New Horizons would never be an option for her again.

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