27 - The Last Time

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Sometimes, not often, but once in a while, things just seemed to go smoothly

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Sometimes, not often, but once in a while, things just seemed to go smoothly.

It was shaping up to be one of those days, and it was about time. The past few weeks had been a constant trial of Sunset's willpower. On good days, school and work left her too tired to worry much about anything else.

As for bad days... well, it didn't get much worse than waking up with a hangover in the woods with an empty bottle of vodka, vomit on her jacket, and no clear recollection of how she got there. At least she had apparently had enough sense to get herself and her bike off the road, but the paint on one side had gotten scratched up pretty bad, and she had to look around for her helmet.

That had been her lowest point, but the 'good' days were infrequent. It was getting harder to tell whether the hallucinations or the memories were worse. Either way, it was almost time to leave them for good. If the woods had been her low point, this would be her high one.

There was a certain thrill in knowing that everything was being done for the last time. Her alarm went off for the last time, and she'd gotten ready for school the last time. The ride from her house to school had only been the second to last time, but it was the last time that she'd ever have to deal with the morning rush to find parking. Each class period had been the last time with those subjects, and she'd already gotten through three of them.

Which brought her to her last lunch at the school. Sunset was too excited to eat, which left her with half an hour to kill. That thought almost managed to bring her down, but then she remembered that after this, she would never have to wander the school aimlessly again.

There were no more schemes to follow through on. No more plans to continue. There weren't any students to issue reminders to, there weren't threats to make, or people to speak with. There was nothing at all that mattered anymore.

It felt strange. Sunset had expected the last day would feel like wasted time. Surely, it was; she'd spent years building what she had, and soon, it was all going to be gone. There was nothing to take with her when she left, nothing that would give her any benefit. By the time the day was out, everything she had might as well not exist anymore.

But when it came down to it, she felt... relieved. It was difficult to place why that might be, but Sunset didn't try too hard. She was going home. Why shouldn't she be happy?

Sunset's destination as she walked the school's halls was neither planned nor random; it was more so that it was the only place that made any sense to go to. Almost everything in the school was now pointless, but there was another reason that this day was a good one: Principal Celestia had decided that since the Fall Formal was being held at the end of the week, it'd be a good idea to put the crown on display.

And it was good. Not for the school, but for Sunset. She wouldn't be around to win the crown, but she was going to make sure no one else did either. This was her crown, and Sunset had already been replaced one too many times.

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