17 - Going Through the Motions

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It had been a hell of a day

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It had been a hell of a day. Sunset moved from class to class, following her schedule without really thinking about it. She wasn't sure how much she cared about school anymore, but it was easier to go through the motions than to try to think of anything else to do. And, really, she wasn't sure how much she cared about anything anymore.

As soon as she had heard that voice, Sunset had been certain. But then as the day went on, that changed. Doubt set in. She had dreamed about the statue before, that much was certain. But was it so farfetched that she might have seen the school before? What was really more likely, that she had simply forgotten the school along with the rest of her early memories, or that she had come through a portal from another world?

But it hadn't been the statue that did it. The statue had set her along the course, but it had been that voice. Her voice. Could that really be just another forgotten memory that her mind had repurposed to torment her? She knew that was the most likely answer, but she also knew that wasn't what felt true.

Sunset placed her hand against the statue. It felt cold against her palm.

"You, uh, must really like that statue, huh?"

Sunset turned to see the guy from earlier, the one who had shown her where the cafeteria was. "What do you want?"

He seemed somewhat taken aback by the question. "I just wanted to see how you're feeling. You seemed pretty out of it this morning."

"I'm fine." Sunset turned back to the statue. She was anything but fine. "I'm just... tired."

"Yeah, I hear that." He lingered in silence for a moment, then seemed to realize Sunset wasn't going to say anything. "Er, my name's Flash, by the way. Flash Sentry."

Again, he was only met with silence.

"Am I... bothering you? I can go if you'd rather be alone."

Sunset frowned. He reminded her of someone else, but she wouldn't have left so easily.

"Right, well... I'll see you around."

"Sunset Shimmer." It was the first time she had introduced herself all day. Reluctantly, Sunset gave Flash her full attention, turning her back on the statue. It wasn't like it was going to get her anywhere.

Flash stuck out his hand. "It's nice to meet you, Sunset."

Although Sunset wasn't sure what she wanted from him – or even if she wanted anything at all – she shook his hand all the same. It was just easier to go through the motions.

"So, are you doing anything? I've got some time to kill if you want to maybe go out for lunch or something."

Sunset wondered if he was always this forward. It didn't really matter. "I've got a bus to catch."

"Oh, alright. Well, there's still some time before the buses leave. If, you know, you wanted to hang out here until then."

Sunset's initial thought was to tell him to get lost. Even if he could offer her some sort of social foothold, she really didn't know if she even wanted to bother repeating her dominance over Everfree Middle School anymore. But before she did, she thought better of it. Perhaps there was something he could help her with after all.

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