25 - Queen Bitch

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Everything was too bright

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Everything was too bright. Sunset reached around for a pillow she could use to cover her head with, only to find that there weren't any. Instead, she rolled over and pressed her face into the nook of the couch.

Thirty seconds of a song looped over and over. It had been playing for the better part of the night, and all Sunset could do was groan. Even if she could ignore the light, that song was driving her crazy.

There was no ignoring either, so after a few minutes of trying, Sunset forced herself to sit up. An empty beer can rolled from the couch to the floor, coming to rest beside another one. Sunset groaned again and rubbed her eyes, then started looking around for the remote to shut off the DVD player.

It hit her before she even found the remote. "Fuck..." Sunset stood up quickly and ran to the bedroom. She found her phone on the bed where she left it and checked the time. Eight o'clock, which meant her first class was already over. She groaned again.

She quickly weighed her options. She felt like shit and getting back to sleep in a real bed might fix that. It wasn't like she even needed to go to school anymore. Sure, the school would be pissed if she completely stopped going. They'd make some phone calls, but then what? Her number was already updated in the school's records, so they'd just be calling her cell. And it wasn't like she'd be expelled within the next month, and that was all the time she needed. There was no one to lecture her, or ground her, or anything else.

And even if she wanted to keep going to school just to fill her time, what was one day going to hurt? She knew most subjects better than her teachers did, and she didn't even really need to do the assignments anymore. Nothing in her future was dependent on what grades she got in school anymore.

The logic was pretty solid, and she couldn't think of any possible reasons to go to school that would outweigh it. So Sunset crawled into bed and pulled the blanket on top of her. It was much more comfortable than the couch, even if she could still hear the DVD menu music from the living room. That was fixed by following through with her original plan and covering her head with a pillow.

At last, Sunset could not only chase away her thoughts during the night any way she liked, she could sleep in during the morning for as long as she wanted. Having no one to tell her what to do was the best, and Sunset had a feeling she was going to enjoy the month on her own.

All on her own. No one to tell her what to do. Just a whole day by herself in an empty house with nothing but her own thoughts to keep her company.

Sunset sat up and groaned one last time. Second period would be over by the time she got ready and made it to school, but she could be there for the rest of the day.

"It's not even for a whole month," Sunset reminded herself as she questioned if this house was such a good move.

"It's not even for a whole month," Sunset reminded herself as she questioned if this house was such a good move

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