22 - Through the Looking Glass

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Author's Notes:

The intended formatting on this chapter doesn't display correctly on some mobile devices (and possibly some very old computers). Most relatively modern smartphones and tablets could display it fine, but epub readers and some older devices had issues ranging from not displaying it properly to not loading the page at all. In response, I've removed the formatting that was causing the issue, but I still do prefer it the way I had it originally. If you're reading on a computer/recent smartphone or tablet, check the comments for a link to a Gdoc with my preferred formatting.

 If you're reading on a computer/recent smartphone or tablet, check the comments for a link to a Gdoc with my preferred formatting

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No one was really excited for school to start. All through New Horizons, groans could be heard as kids were roused from sleep. It was the last week of regular classes before finals, and that meant one thing: studying.

All of the students were dreading the coming day. Except for one.

There was a knock on the door, although it wasn't necessary. "Sunset? It's time –"

"I'm up," Sunset said before answering the door. A very pleased Rose Petal was on the other side. "Good morning, Ms. Rose."

"Good morning, Sunset. Glad to see that there's at least one person we won't need to convince to get up today."

Sunset laughed. "Yeah, well, it's not like I have any reason to worry about finals." Of course, that was because she had no plans on taking them.

"I'm sure, but you can never be too prepared."

"I know." Sunset was already dressed, and had chosen a loose fitting sundress. It was exactly the type of thing that maternal figures like Rose thought she should wear, which would hopefully mean it was perfect for Sunset's purposes. She gestured to her backpack, which was sitting by her bed, ready to go. "Trust me, there's nothing to worry about with me. I'm ready to take on the day."

"That's what I like to hear." Rose was beaming, but she took a step away from the door. "But I had best get back to waking up the others, and you ought to get some food in you. You're not really prepared for school unless you've had a good breakfast."

Sunset just smiled as she followed Rose Petal out of the room. "Of course, Ms. Rose."

While everyone else was insistent on looking as miserable as possible, Sunset couldn't help but keep smiling. It was going to be one hell of a day.

She was far too excited to be hungry, but she still got a bowl of cereal. If she didn't eat something, Rose would be on her case about it. On most days that wouldn't really bother her, but Sunset was far too happy to spoil it by bickering about breakfast.

Although Rose being up was also strange. When she finished waking teenagers and entered the dining room, Sunset decided to ask her about it. "You're up early today, Ms. Rose."

"At my age, sleeping through the night can be a challenge." Rose looked over Sunset's breakfast choice. "Just a bowl of cereal?"

Sunset shrugged. "Who wants to eat this early? I'll eat a granola bar on the bus or something."

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