The adoption

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Jack j POV: I wake up to jack yelling at me. And then it hits me today is the day when we are adopting a little girl. I was so excited and hurried to get dressed and eat breakfast. We got in the car and jack drove. I was thinking that this would change our live forever.

Five minutes later at the orphanage:

A lady walks up to us and says "hello I am ms.julie and welcome to ms.julie's orphanage for girls. Are you interested in adopting."jack replied "yes and little girl around he age of three or four she is going to be our little sister" "okay sounds great I am going to pull out the files for the girls and see what you think just give me a few minutes, you can take a seat." "Thank you" we reply. So we sit down and I take a picture will jack and post it on Instagram saying "today is the big day we are adopting a little sister."and I tagged jack and put my phone back in my pocket.

Jack g POV: ms.julie comes up to us and hands us the files of the girls and she says "take your time and choose wisely." I reply thank you and open the files. And we start reading the names and a few details.



Birthday: December 25

Allergies: none

Extra: Is very quiet at first but than is very hyper.

Likes to: play volleyball,swim, hang out with friends, and loves to dance.

Favorite color: pink,purple,teal and gold.



Birthday: February 6

Allergies: Bee stings

Extras: Is calm so times and crazy other times

Likes to: hang out with friends,sing,dance,swim

Favorite color: all pastels


Age: two

Birthday: March 5


Extras: Shy

Likes to: swim,play basketball,sing,

Favorite color: teal,purple,pink



Birthday: July 7

Allergies: cats

Extras: funny and loves to goof around

Likes to: sing, play sports and hang out

Favorite color: all the colors.


Age: four

Birthday: September 10

Allergies: peanuts

Extras: can be shy or can be crazy

Likes to: hang out with friends,read,dance,sing

Favorite colors: Orange and Yellow


Who will jack and jack pick will it be mia,brooke,ally,Bridget or Jenna.


Thanks for reading😜

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