Chapter four:

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little Taylor POV: me,Emily,Julia and Katie all went to Nash's house together.on the way there we where all singing and dancing in our seats. We were having a blast. Once we got to Nash's house we all jumped on big Taylor back and he ran to the door with us on his back. We where dying of laughter. Skylnn openers the door and we gave her and all the other girls a big group hug. Then we walk through the house to the pool. And we went swimming we where all jumping in and having a blast. I love having a family like this.

Katie's POV: I was jumping in into Shawn's arm while the. Music was blasting and his song came on and he yelled this my song yessss. I laughed I has having a blast I was so glad I
came. After a while Shawn told me he had to go talk with jack and jack so I sat on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water.

Shawn:I told Katie that I was going to talk with jack and jack. I walk over to them and they are I said hey what are you guys talking about and they said nothing we will tell you later. And I just walked away I saw Katie sitting at he edge of the pool so I ran over and pick her up and spun her around and jumped in the water.

Jack and jack POV:when the boys and girls where eating lunch was when we would tell them the big news.

Five minutes later:

Jack and jack POV: when the girls and gust where outside eating lunch. We told then the news. That we where going to........

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