seven - flashbacks

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Four months later....

Hazel's POV

So far I've settled in school, I'm doing better in English class due to Barry helping me. None of the bullies dare to mess with me. I'm an A+ student in art, I go to the boxing place once a week to work on my self defense in a way that doesn't break peoples limbs. and me and Barry are best friends.

I walked to my History class. I'm decent in this class. every now and then we'll talk about Captain America, I don't understand the hype with it though.

"Hazel!" Barry catched up with me.

"Oh hey Bare." I walked into the class room and took my seat.

"I hate that name haze."

"Don't call me haze." I opened my history book and started reading.

"Okay class we have a new student joining us today!" He looked at the door and a blonde girl walked in.

"Meet Wendy!" He exclaimed and stepped back.

"Uh hi." She awkwardly waved and took a seat close to me.

"Okay class, lets learn about the revolutionary war-" he started teaching and writing stuff on the board.

I started writing down notes but I couldn't focus, Wendy was watching me very creepily.

I chose to ignore her and continued writing
                             •   •   •

Okay so far in every. single. class. All she does is watch me and it freaks me out.

Does she want an autograph or something?

"Hey Barry, is that girl creeping you out too?"

"No I talked to her after class and she seems like a great person." Barry said not looking up from his notes.


The bell rang and I quickly gathered my books and got the hell out of there.

Saved by the bell.

It was lunch time so I headed over to the cafeteria. Me and Barry didn't have other friends so we always sat by ourselves but this time I got my food and sat down, waiting for Barry but I didn't see him.

people were crowding a table and upon closer inspection. Who was it? Wendy.

Wendy. Wendy. Wendy. The talk of the school, apparently she and her family goes on expensive holidays to Paris and Florida once a month, her mom owns a pet rescue and her dad is apparently Captain America but He died when she was only 2 weeks old.

It's clearly a lie, Captain America was too busy saving the world, he doesn't have a wife or a daughter.

Anyway she seems like a huge lier and nothing more.

"Hazel! Come sit!" I saw Barry sitting next to her and of course I felt my blood boiling over.

"No thank you." I walked away and threw my tray straight in the trash.

I just want to go home.

Normally when I'm angry or upset Barry helps me calm down but he's too busy with Wendy.

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