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Kendall's POV]
I woke up to the sound of rumbling. Wait. Rumbling? I sat up quickly and looked around. We were inside the back of a van. Emma was on the other side with her arms tied behind her back. I tried to move my arms but they were also tied. I looked in the front of the van and saw two men. The one driving had black hair and the one in the passenger seat had brown curly hair. I couldn't see their faces and I wasn't in the correct position to see the rearview mirror.
"What the fuck??? Who the hell are you? Where are you taking us?" I yelled.
I heard one of them chuckle. That chuckle... It's very familiar but I couldn't figure out where I heard it before.
"Don't worry, we're bot going to hurt you." The brown haired man said.
His voice... I recognized that voice. It was Tyler! And the chuckle must of been Mark!
"What the fuck!? Oh my god! I'm being kidnapped by the people I looked up to!"
"Shut up." I heard Mark say.
"Why would I shut up? There's a lot to talk about when you're BEING KIDNAPPED!"
"Jesus Christ! Shut up!"
"No I refu-"
The van went over a bump and I whacked my head on the inside, knockong me out.

[Time skip]
I woke up again, yet this time I was on a couch. I sat up and looked around. Mark was sitting avross from me, and Ethan was sitting at a table.
"So. You're finally awake." Mark pointed out and crossed his arms.
"Fuck you." I said and glared at him.
It felt awful to say that to the person I looked up to the most. Or used to look up to. At this point, he had lost my respect.
"You're going to be staying here until i say you can leave."
I didnt say anything. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the front door. Mark could clearly tell. He got up and grabbed me. I struggled to get free so I bit his arm.
"Fucking bitch."
He dragged me over to a door and opened it, then tossed me in. I went tumbling down a set of stairs and hit the cold, hard, concrete floor. I pushed myself up and looked around. It was empty except for shelves attached to the wall. The one window was way to small for me to fit through and way too high up. I sighed and sat down in one of the corners.

[Ethan's POV]
I looked over at Mark as he wrapped up his arm.
"...How's your arm feeling?" I asked kind of quietly.
It was best not to make Mark even more mad. He sent a glare at me and continued wrapping his arm.
"Don't you think that was a bit harsh?"
Bad idea.
"Harsh? You think that was harsh? She fucking hit me!"
"Well you did kidnap her and her friend."
"You know what? Since you like her so much, how about you go in the basement with her?"
"Mark, we shoukd yalk about this."
Mark rolled his eyes and grabbed me, forcing me to the basement door and tossing me in. I fell down the first couple of steps and caught myself before I fell down the rest. I went down the rest of the steps and saw Kendall curled up in the corner. I walked over to her and sat down enxt to her.
"You alright?" I asked her.
She didn't say anything. However, I did notice she was shivering. She was still in her shorts and tank top. I took off my hoodie and put it around her.
"Thanks." She whispered quietly.
I gave her a small smile.

Kidnapped by The IdolsWhere stories live. Discover now