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Mark finally decided to let me out of the basement. It was nice to not sleep on cold concrete without any sort of mattress or blanket. Since I could just wander around the house I decided to just chill on the couch. I turned the TV on and just flipped through the channels. Ethan sat next to me.
"So..." He started, putting an arm over the back of the couch.
"What?" I asked, turning to look at him.
He shrugged. "Just trying to make conversation I guess."
"Well, you're not very good at it."
He just laughed. There was a silence between us besides the sound of the television. Finally I spoke up.
"Y'know, I really fuckin hate Mark. Why does he keep me in the basement and Emma gets to sleep in a bed?"
"You could try being a little nicer to him?" Ethan suggested hesitantly.
I turned to him and just glared.
"Or.. Uh.. You couldnt. Whatever you want. Your choice."
I shook my head and looked back at the TV. Ethan reached for the remote and I grabbed it before he could.
"Do you uh, want something to eat?" He asked me.
There was an awkward silence. A lot of tension.
"Hey, look, I'm sorry they kidnapped you, alright? I had nothing to do with it and they'll probably kill me if I help you guys escape. Besides, doesn't seem like I'll be able to get close to Emma."
Ethan looked defeated. I was pissed. Everything in the house pissed me off. I just wanted to go home and go back to not being productive. Sure, sitting in the basement was fun but not when you're forced to do it. Suddenly I heard someone running. I turned to see Emma sprinting towards the sliding, followed by Tyler not too far behind her. She managed to get outside but Tyler caught her and put her over his shoulder. I decided not to get involved since that could just make things worse. Still, I was pissed.
"So, how ar-"
"Shut the fuck up." I cut Ethan off.
Yet again, there was another silence.
"Sorry, I'm not in the mood for talking right now." I apologized.
"Yeah, I can kinda understand why."
I heard Emma yell and footsteps coming out to the living room. I looked and saw Mark pulling Emma by her arm.
"You fucking bitch, did you do that!" I yelled.
Mark just glared at me and brought Emma into a different room. Ethan moved away from me on the couch. I grabbed one of the couch cushions and threw it across the room. It hit the wall and fell to the ground. I sat back down and went back to watching the TV.

Kidnapped by The IdolsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz