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[Kendall's POV]
I was just sitting on my new bed doing nothing when I heard someone enter the basement. I waited for them to get to the bottom. Ethan looked under the stairs at me. He looked mad.
"Wanna sit?" I asked him.
He nodded and sat down with his legs crossed on the opposite side of the bed.
"Whats the matter?"
Ethan shook his head. I tossed the blanket over his head and he adjusted it so it was over his shoulders and the rest of his body. He still looked unhappy.
"Just talk when you're ready, bud." I said.
It was quiet, but every once in a while Ethan would make an angry noise or he would make an angry face for a couple of seconds. There was also the occasional sound of footsteps. Eventually the door to the basement opened again and Tyler came down.
"Tyler, come sit with us." I called.
He had a pillow under his arm and he also looked mad. He sat down in between Ethan and I and hugged the pillow.
"Welcome to therapy. I am Kendall, I will be your therapist today."
I managrd to get them to smile which made me feel better.
"Alright, what's going on that's making you upset?" I asked.
"I hate Mark." Ethan said first.
I nodded and looked at Tyler.
"Me too."
I nodded again.
"Yeah. Me too. Why do you guys hate him?" I added.
"He's an asshole." Ethan said.
"He treats us horribly." Tyler said.
"He kidnapped Emma and I, he treats me like I'm nothing and I just want to go home. I hate it here. I hate sleeping in this basement. I can't stand it. It's so cold and I only have a thin blanket and no pillow and the only reason I have a bed is because Emma asked Mark to get me one. I can't stand it. There's nothing to do down here except stare at a wall or sleep or just sit here doing absolutely nothing and dying of boredom. It may seem like I don't like you guys but when you come down here it's a relief because I finally have something to do other than staring at a wall." I said all in one breath.
Ethan and Tyler looked shocked.
"Oops. Didn't mean to say all that." I added.
Tyler looked at the pillow in his arms and handed it to me.
"Here. I'll try to do more to make you more comfortable." Tyler said.
Ethan gave me my blanket back.
"Yeah, me too." He said.
"Thanks guys. This genuinely means a lot." I said smiling.
"We should probably get upstairs before Mark thinks we're planning another escape. Let us know if you need anything." Tyler said.
I nodded. They both gave me a hug before going back upstairs. At least living in thr basement will be a little easier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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