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Emma's POV

Mark walked over to where Tyler and I were. Tyler glared at me before letting go of me. I sat up, I didn't try to run again out of fear of Mark. Mark took hold of my hand holding it up to his face looking at my wrist. I was so scared I could feel myself shaking, for some reasons things were different with Mark the air seemed to be thick, too thick to breath.

"Wow that's bad, deep." He said as he inspected my hand he was holding my wrist somewhat hard and it hurt, I didn't dare make a sound. Mark dropped my hand and looked at Tyler. "Well we've got to do something about this." Mark said Tyler nodded as he towered over Mark. Mark turned his attention back to me. "Come with me." He said quickly grabbing my wrist pulling me up. I yelled loudly quickly shutting my mouth after. Mark grinned sickly at me.

"Sorry, my bad." He said moving his hand further up my arm. With him he took me out to the living room. Kendall was sitting on the couch with a boy I knew to be Ethan. His blue hair was a dead giveaway. I stared at Kendall she didn't look back at me though she stared up at mark before speaking.

"You fucking bitch, did you do that!" Kendall yelled all mark did was glare at her before he took me into the bathroom.

"Sit down." Mark said as he pointed at the counter in between the two sinks. I jumped up and sat down. Mark stood infront me and smiled before lifting his hand up showing that his hand was wrapped. "Look We're twins!" He said I forced a smile. Mark reached aside me into a cabinet pulling out hydrogen peroxide and some cotton pads. "How do you even fix this?" He said laughing once again I forced a smile.

"I don't know." Mark took old of my hand again putting over the sink and pouring the hydrogen peroxide out all over the cut.

"So, how did this happen? Did he tie that too tight?" I shook my head worried if I said yes he'd take out whatever feelings he had on it on Tyler. For some reason I didn't want Tyler to get hurt.

"I just couldn't sleep."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that tonight." He said as he began to wrap my wrist up. "You'll be in my bed tonight, I won't tie you up." He said laughing. I didn't know how I felt about that. I was happy that I wasn't going to have a rope tonight but I didn't like the idea of being near Mark.

"Thank you." I said softly Incase he expected me to thank him.
Time skip

I would have rather had both my arms and legs tied to Tyler's bed than sleep marks bed free of ties. It was now night and the whole day had been boring after I woke up I spent most of the day coloring in a coloring book Tyler had bought for me. Once again I didn't know why he was being so nice to me. No light shined through the windows in marks room as he shit the door behind him locking it with a Key. He walked into the bathroom closing the door behind him, when he came back out the key was gone from his hands.

"Tired yet?" He asked as he left the bathroom door open when he came out. I shrugged.

"Yeah." I said as I placed my crayons and coloring book on the table aside the bed. Marks bed wasn't small infact it was huge. It had to at least be a California king or maybe even custom because it was big. Mark took off his shaft thankfully leaving his shorts on as he crawled into bed.

"Let me know if it gets too hot, I can put the fan on." I didn't say anything back I pulled the covers up over my shoulders almost over my face turning away from Mark. Like I said before the bed was huge but Mark had still managed to come close to me. He reached over me turning off the lamp, in response I curled up into a ball. Now the room was completely dark as well as silent and the only thing I could hear was marks shallow breathing that I could barely feel on the back of my neck. It didn't seem like I could find a position where I could get comfortable. I turned and layed on my back to my surprise seeing mark doing the sane. Slowly his hand moved up from his side and he put his arm around me shoulder. I turned away rolling further from him on the bed. Thankfully after then he didn't try anything.

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