Chapter 5 (Stargazing)

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I sat next to Jacob as Seth helped clean Ambers leg wound. The boys were clearly flirting with the girls making them all blush and giggle. "We truly do appreciate the help, thank you." Jo said turning towards Sam. He gave her a small smile and nodded his head.

"Why don't you boys come over for dinner tonight?" Jo asked. "We would love to!" Paul said immediately. The girls giggled at his eagerness causing a light blush to make its way onto his face." would be rude to refuse an invite from such a beautiful young lady." he said scratching the back of his head.

Jo looked at him and smiled, a blush creeping up on her face. "Well..I mean Paul does have a point. It would be rude not to except these lovely ladies invitation." Embry said sitting next Crystal. "Now Ms. Jo are you sure? Me and my boys eat quiet a lot." Sam said.

Jo simply laughed "It's alright, my girls ear quite a lot too. I promise you it's no trouble." she said. Sam simply nodded his head "Well thank you, we truly appreciate it." he said. Quil scooted closer to Rose "It's almost kinda like a date." he said leaning against the wall to look at her.

Rose raised her eyebrow and smirked "Think you boys can handle us?" she said running her hand down his cheek. Quils mouth dropped open and everyone started laughing. Jacob wrapped his arm around my shoulder and smiled down at me.

"Looks like we'll be able to get to know each other more." he said. I could feel my face heat up "I guess so." I said smiling back. "We should drive you girls home especially since Amber hurt her leg." Seth said.

"I'm fine really I can walk!" Amber said standing up, pain clearly written on her face. "Hey hey easy now." Seth said softly picking her up bridal style. He walked out the door "Come on Paul you're driving!" he yelled. Paul grabbed Jo's hand "Wanna ride shot gun with me?" he asked smiling.

"Of course..I'll give you directions." she said walking out with him. The boys grabbed the girls hands and walked out. Jacob grabbed both my hands and led me outside. "Are we all going to fit in that?" Crystal asked staring at the truck. "Luna can ride on my motorcycle will me."

Jacob said with the boys agreeing. "All right just don't lag behind!" Paul yelled. "Motorcycle?" I asked raising my eyebrow and crossing my arms. He smirked and grabbed my hand leading me to his motorcycle. He handed me a helmet and strapped his on. I strapped mine on as he hopped on.

"Alright princess hop on and hold on tight." he said grinning at me. I hopped on behind him and wrapped my arms around him, quickly realizing that he was still shirtless. Burying my face into his back so he wouldn't be able to see the blush on my face.

My hands were directly on top of his abs "Oh dear God this boy is going to kill me" I thought pressing my face against his back. He started his bike and we took off down the dirt road. The wind was blowing my hair back and I could hear Jacob laughing. Looking up at him I asked "What's so funny?" I yelled.

"It's going to sound weird but I love whenever I ride my bike. It makes me feel so free, like I'm flying." he said laughing again. I tightened my arms around his waist and peeked up at his face. He was biting his lip and I could see a dust of pink on his cheeks.

I started to giggle "You know you're right it does seem like we're flying!" He looked back at me and laughed with me. We pulled up to the house and I slowly unwrapped my arms from Jake and hopped off. "Holy shit look at this place!" Paul yelled staring at the house.

"This place looks like a palace!" Quil yelled running his hands through his hair. "This place isn't too far from our house either how haven't we noticed this before?" Embry asked confused. "We just moved here." Crystal said smiling at him. "Lucky us." Quil said smiling towards Rose.

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