Chapter 6 (First Date) Part 1

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Jacob and I spent an hour up on the roof stargazing before they had to leave. He kissed my forehead and told me to be ready at noon tomorrow. After they left we all let out loud shrieks and chills. It turns out we all had dates with the boys tomorrow.

"I can't believe this is finally happening!" Crystal shrieked spinning around. "This was definitely worth all the waiting!" Rose agreed high fiving Amber. "Also Luna don't think we didn't notice you and Jacob slip off..alone." Rose said wiggling her eyebrows.

I threw a pillow at her "Oh shut up! We didn't do anything, we went to the roof to star gaze! Plus you were practically sitting in Quils lap!" I yelled laughing at the end. The other girls laughed as Amber turned to me "Star gazing..that's so romantic."

Jo walked in and handed Amber a cup. "Here hun this'll help take care of that wound on your leg." she said slowly unwrapping the bandages on her leg. Her wound had mostly healed thanks to our accelerated healing however the potion will help with any pain left and completely heal it.

She drank it in one gulp scrunching up her face in disgust. After a few seconds the injury became to completely heal until it disappeared. "Thanks Jo it feels a lot better..but that tasted horrible." Amber said chuckling. Crystal jumped up and ran towards the stairs.

"We should get some sleep girls! We have to look our best tomorrow!" she said blowing kisses and running up to her room. We all said goodnight and made our way to our rooms. I curled up into bed replaying in my mind what happened tonight.

I could still feel Jacobs warm skin on the tip of my finger. I could clearly hear the rythmic beating of his heart. His heavenly laugh and bright smile. I clutched my heart trying to calm down the rapid beating. I turned towards the window staring out at the stars.

"Tonight was amazing..Jacob really is perfect. I wish you could meet him, I know you would of loved him. My waiting is finally over..I know you were always worried about me even though I can perfectly take care of myself. But..please continue watching over me..Goodnight Daddy." I whispered closing my eyes.

The sound of my alarm blaring in my ears made me jump from my peaceful sleep. Groaning I slammed my fist on top of it to shut it up. Glancing up at my clock I saw it was only 9:00, I still had three hours to get ready. Jumping into the shower then rummaging through my closet to find something cute.

Getting dressed I brushed my hair and decided to leave it as it was, naturally straight

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Getting dressed I brushed my hair and decided to leave it as it was, naturally straight. Running downstairs I saw Jo making breakfast, and she looked..stunning. She was dressed in a white strapless dress with red flats and her hair curled.

" you look beautiful." I said running to give her a hug. Jo never really wore dresses, only on special occasions. She hugged me back smiling and brushing my hair behind my ears "And you my dear look beautiful everyday." she said.

The girls followed us into the kitchen, all of us shrieking and ranting about how beautiful we all looked. "These boys aren't going to know what hit them!" Crystal said stuffing a piece of toast in her mouth. "Well if they don't drop dead from how gorgeous we look then we aren't doing enough." Rose said laughing.

We spent the next few hours watching TV together and chatting out how excited we were. One by one the boys came by to pick the girls up until it was only me left. Exactly at 12:00 I heard a knock at the door, checking my look one more time I ran to the door.

I opened the door revealing Jacob wearing a pair of jean shorts with a black v-neck shirt. "Hey!" I said smiling. His eyes went wide when he saw me and looked me up and down. " look..stunning." he said still staring. I giggled and brought rested my hand on his cheek, bringing him out of his trance.

"And you're looking handsome as you always do." I said removing my cheek. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "Oh ya I almost forgot grab a towel and your bathing suit. We can throw it in my bag." he said lifting up a backpack. I nodded, ran upstairs to grab them and came back down stuffing them in his bag.

"Ok let's get going." he said smiling. Grabbing my hand he led me down the stairs and towards the woods. "So what are we doing today Mr. Black?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head "Well Ms. Star I thought we could take a nice walk through the woods then down to the beach..if that's ok with you." he said looking down.

I could sense he was nervous but if I'm being honest with myself so was I. Squeezing his hand I said "Jake it sounds perfect." He smiled down at me and nudged me playfully. We spent a few hours in the woods, showing me around the area of our house all the way to his.

He picked me some flowers along the way and was showing off how he could easily climb trees and do tricks. "There's one last place I want to show you before we go to the beach..but there's a catch." He said grinning. "And what's that?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"'ll have to race me there!" He yelled turning around and taking off into the woods. I stood there for a second trying to process what just happened. "Jake!" I yelled after him taking off into the woods. Sprinting after him jumping over logs and dodging tree branches.

He may have gotten a head start but his scent was still strong. After a few minutes I could feel myself getting closer to him. Stopping at the edge of a clearing I leaned down to catch my breath before looking up. The air from my lungs felt like it was sucked right out of my body.

Looking around I quickly noticed this familiar clearing that I've seen many times before. This was the very same clearing in the woods I've seen in my dreams. I looked forward to see Jacob standing there in the sunlight. His skin and hair shining brightly. "About time you came..Luna." he said chuckling.

I froze feeling like time has stopped. This was exactly like my dream, the dream I've been longing to live for so long. "Luna..?" Jacob asked concerned stepping forward. I snapped out of my trance and quickly ran towards him. Wrapping my arms around his neck tightly as if he'd dissappear forever if I let go.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my neck. "Hey hey is everything ok..?" he whispered still holding onto me. I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Everything is perfect Jacob." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

He kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand. "Come on lets go to the beach." he said pulling me next to him. We started walking down to the beach. "I wonder if the other dreams I've had of him will happen as well.." I thought to myself as we made our way out of the woods.

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